It’s that time of year again — time for you to look back on the past year of posts and choose the ones that were the most excellent!! This is the third year of the Brodie Awards. Just have a look at the winners from the last two years to get an idea of what these awards are all about. I’ll start with this year’s proposed categories, then finish with the nomination guidelines.
Year-long awards for people and websites:
- Best New Blog
- Best Discussion Forum
- Best Humor Site/Blog
- Best Static LDS-Interest Site
- Best LDS Church Watch or News Reporting
- Best Bridge-Building
- Best faithful-perspective Mormon Blog
- Best LDS-Interest Video Channel/Series
Awards for Individual Works:
- Best Book-Length Memoirs (This one is new — we have some really strong contenders this year!!)
- Funniest Humor Piece
- Most Amusing Vignette or Personal Anecdote
- Best LDS-Interest Comic or Image
- Best Poem
- Most Poignant Personal Story
- Best Deconversion/Exit Story
- Best Life Beyond Mormonism Post
- Best Interfaith Interaction
- Best Chat with the Bishop, Mishies, or Other Church Leaders
- Best News Reporting
- Best LDS Church Watch
- Best LDS-Related Political Commentary
- Best Post Title
- Best Philosophical/Religious Discussion
- Most Insightful Commentary on Mormonism
- Best Response to Apologetics
- Best Religion-and-Gender Discussion
- Best Religion-and-Homosexuality Discussion
- Best History Piece
- Best Science Piece
- Best Book Review
- Best LDS-Interest Video
- Best LDS-Interest Podcast
Suggested guidelines:
As you know, the idea behind the Brodies is to highlight excellent work from all over the LDS-interest Internet, and introduce as many people as possible to great blogs they may not be aware of. So here are my nomination guideline ideas:
- Please nominate as many people, sites, and articles as you want. However, please do not nominate more than two individual works by any one author.
- You are allowed (even encouraged!) to nominate your own works. No more than two, though.
- Please nominate works that first appeared during 2011
- Please try to nominate people and works that have some connection with Mormonism or with Outer Blogness (eg. either the work touches on Mormonism, or the author is a current or former Mormon and/or is an active participant in our community).
- A category must have at least three nominations in order to be included in the voting and awards phase.
- You may suggest your own categories — however please do it as early as possible in the nominations process, to give others plenty of time to add nominations in your proposed categories.
- Any other proposed changes to the categories or to the guidelines are welcome — feel free to discuss it in the comments.
- The nominations will be open for two weeks. (And I’ll add my own nominations when I make the polls.)
Let’s have some fun with this!! π
Thanks for doing this! I look forward to Brodie season, mostly to see all the stuff I missed.
How about a “Best Cartoon” category?
Daniel — Cool thanks!
We have a “Best LDS-Interest Comic or Image” category, but if we get a lot of nominations, we can split it into two separate categories.
Maybe we should add a category for erotic or sex-related posts…? In honor of White and Delightsome. That blog will be up for “Best New Blog” as well — which is one always of our most hotly-contested categories!! We’ll see if the White and Delightsome ladies can win the new blog category with competition like President Paternoster!
chanson, we’re not worthy!! Nevertheless, I second your motion. π
Best Philosophical/Religious Discussion: The Millenial Star: The Book of Mormon as Inspired Fiction
Insightful Commentary on Mormonism: A Mormon Vatican II, Bigoted or just religious?
Response to Apologetics: Orson Scott Card: The Book of Mormon as Historical Artifact
Religion and Gender: Methinks the Non-Women Protest Too Much: On Non-Equality in the Mormon Church, A Short Post About Equality, The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ~Roseanne Barr
Podcast: Daughters of Mormonism
Faithful LDS Blog: With Your Mutual Approbation, Mother Wheel
Most Poignant Personal Story: Juliane’s series on the aftermath of her talk in May – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Humor Blog: Eliza R. Snitch
I don’t know where to put this, but I just love this blog: LDS Architecture
Feel free to delete this comment if it gets answered, but if I put a lot of links in one comment, does it get held back for moderation or will it be kicked out as spam? I don’t see my comment with my nominations. Is it because of all the links?
Mrrgan — Thanks for kicking off the nominations in style!
@7, yes, that’s the reason. Let’s not delete your follow-up comment, though, because the same thing is sure to happen to other people.
To all — Please include links to the posts you’re nominating (as Mrrgan has done), and if that sends your comment into the spam filter, just follow up with a link-free comment telling the admins it’s there to be fished out. π
p.s. It’s true that LDS Architecture blog is cool. Maybe we should have a “Best [LDS-interest] Photo Blog” category? Or Best LDS Special-Topic Blog? Thoughts…?
chanson @ #3: Ah, yes, that is very nearly the same thing. Soz.
Most Poignant Personal Story–An Agnostic’s Letter to a Lost God
I’m not sure if this fits perfectly, may need to change the catagory, but I’d like to nominate Dad’s Primal Scream for his post “A Life of Sepia Tones” in the “Best ‘Life Beyond Mormonism’ Post”.
Best Chat with the Bishop, Mishies, or Other Church Leaders: Smorg’s Mormon Encounters series
Shameless self-promotion:
Funniest Humor Piece: Discussing potato chips with your future son-in-law
Best Philosophical/Religious Discussion: Understanding Biblical parables: The Wheat and the Tares
Comment in moderation…
Excellent choices!!
Keep ’em coming — we have a lot of categories to fill! Don’t be shy about nominating a whole list like Mrrgan.
Best Chat with Bishop, Mishies, etc: Mithryn’s Transcription of interview with the bishop
Does Therese Doucet’s A Lost Argument count as a book-length memoir? I nominate it for that.
Best faithful-perspective blog: Wheat & Tares
@17 I think it does qualify, even though she changed the names. (Therse, if you’re reading this, you can confirm that you’re OK with being nominated in this category.)
The reason I suggested “Best Book-Length Memoir” (instead of “Best Novel”) is that there were a number of excellent book-length memoirs this past year, whereas I’m not sure the number of 2011 exmo novels is sufficient to warrant a category.
Funniest Humor Piece–Book of Mormon Zombies
Not sure how best to do this, so I’ll just nominate the whole series…
Admin–my comment got lost due to links galore…
Best LDS-Interest Comic or Image
More great choices! I’m glad to see people are getting into this! π
Best humor piece, have to nominate Cognitive Dissenter’s Helping Mormon Women Overcome Their Porn Addiction.
For best Philosophical/Religious discussion, I’m going to live up to my blog’s whoring title and nominate my own
Am I a Raging Religion-oholic?
Most Poignant Personal Story
Voices Podcast, A Farewell from Tom
I nominate for Best Exit Story:
Funniest Humor Piece? perhaps? π
These two posts, I don’t know where they would fit, but they feel important to me. I nominate them for something.
I know the SHAFT blog wasn’t very active toward the end of 2011, but I’m still proud of what I and others did manage to write. Readers, please consider some of these posts for your consideration. π
I’m a huge fan of President Paternoster’s blog,
I think it’s incredibly hilarious, and I nominate it for Best Humor Site/Blog, or Best Satire, or something like that.
Bennion — I agree. I was thinking of changing to “Best Humor Blog” one to “Best Humor or Satire Blog” to accommodate Pres. Paternoster.
Jon — I will definitely add some nominations from your site myself, but if you have a particular fave that you’d like to suggest for a particular category, please feel free!
Leah, TGD, Stephanie — Good nominations, thanks!
The funny thing is that people are pointing out some exmo blogs that I wasn’t even aware of. Another good reason to do these awards — to find which cool new blogs I should be adding to Outer Blogness!
A couple from my own blog.
Most Amusing Vignette or Personal Anecdote: My Son Loves to See The Temple
Best Philosophical/Religious Discussion: One Way or Another: The Bacchae
President Paternoster’s blog belongs in the category: Best faithful-perspective Mormon Blog
@32 Oh, I know that. But I’m going to file it under satire anyway, because that’s the kind of mean, angry anti-Mormon I am. I want to preserve the “faithful” category for borderline-apostate blogs like Wheat & Tares and BCC. π
π I just want to add my nomination for Pasternoster where ever he be placed.
Best Religion-and-Homosexuality Discussion: and, yes,
Has been nominated yet for best faithful perspective blog?
HOW did I miss White and Delightsome?? Donna, I have some major reading to catch up on!
I second the addition of an erotica or sex-related category.
Best Religion-and-Homosexuality Discussion- from
I’d like to add “Best Religion and Race Discussion” and nominate
Best LDS-Interest Podcast. MormonExpression
I don’t normally nominate myself, but I’m gonna nominate myself… π
Most Poignant Personal Story-
Best History Piece
J. Seth — Good choices, thanks! Do you have a specific post from to nominate for Best Religion and Race Discussion?
I really like this blog:
Will it fit in a Brodie category? Bridge building? LDS Church Watch maybe?
I’m going to nominate more before the end of the week. π Thanks Donavan for seconding the category, and thanks Chanson for doing this!
Donna — Wow, that’s a great site! It looks like one more vote for an LDS photo blog category, as suggested @9.
I look forward to seeing your nominations! I’m so excited about the Brodies that I’ve started making my nominations list too. Wow, there are a lot of fantastic posts!! The hardes part will be to winnow it down to a reasonable number so that it’s not unreasonable for people to read all the nominations.
Just looking at additional topics that have had lots of good posts, I think we might add categories for community, definitely a category for Mormon culture (lots of fun stuff there), and maybe parenting.