This year’s X-Mormon of the Year is well-known for his work as Mormon Think‘s managing editor, and — now that he has left that position — he is continuing to publish interesting information about the CoJCoL-dS on his own blog Mormon Disclosures! When he was threatened with church discipline, it was national news! But instead of playing along, he sent in his letter of resignation during a session of the Ex-Mormon Foundation conference.
Yes, our X-Mormon of the Year 2012 is David Twede!!! Congratuations David!
p.s. I’m currently working on preparing my nominations for the Brodies. Reviewing all of the best posts of the year is the best part of this award!!
The polls will be ready this Saturday. So you have until Saturday to get in your last nominations!
Well-earned. From what I’ve gathered lurking on Reddit, MormonThink is about to become even more famous…
Now that the Mormon moment is behind us, it’ll be interesting to see what, if any, shenanigans will be required to make it into the running next year.
@2 I was thinking that with the “Mormon Moment” over, the CoJCoL-dS will be less hesitant about X’ing people — which should make this award even more lively.
Those “All Enlisted” folks were just getting started in 2012, with their women-wearing-pants-to-church rebellion, and now with their telling the GAs to let women pray in conference. It’ll be interesting to see which of those folks are on this list next year.
BTW, do you know how to contact David Twede, to tell him he won?
He most likely already knows, but I’ll email him anyway. Wait ’til you see what he does in 2013.
@4 cool, thanks!!
And if David Twede would like to post an acceptance, as most of our earlier winners have done, please feel free to email me: chanson dot exmormon at gmail dot com. π
I’m still bitter that of our three previous winners, only Joanna Brooks failed to pop by to acknowledge this great honor. Hey, JB, guess what… Walter Kirn and Monica Bielanko found the time… That said, I’m guessing it’s less about time constraints and more about JB’s fear of the exmo taint. Disappointing but typical of the Mo culture.
@6 Sure, but if we complain too earnestly about it, we start to look silly ourselves when we make jokes about the Mormon persecution complex. π
Fine, then I’ll take it back and change my accusation to JB being jealous of us and that’s why she stays away.
Congratulations to all the nominees, and to David. Best of luck in 2013!
Thank you all for honoring me. I’m not doing anything anyone else wouldn’t do if they were put in the same positions I’ve been in for the past several months. I believe Tom Phillips will be the real power of ex Mormon causes for the near future. Watch him shine!
@10 — Thanks for stopping by to accept the award!
Don’t sell yourself short — I’ve been following your blogs, and you’ve brought some very interesting things to light. Of course I also look forward to seeing what Tom Phillips will do!! π