When Savannah came out as gay while bearing her testimony, the bishop cut her microphone and told her to sit down — and the video went viral. Savannah has been an inspiration to many people, she made an appearance at Love Loud, and she even won the popular vote for…
Category: Awards
Gathering MORE nominations for the 2017 Brodie Awards!!
The voting for X-Mormon of the Year is underway you have until January 20th to get your vote in!! As usual, we’re also doing the Brodie Awards — a fun little yearly activity intended to give some extra recognition and signal boost to the best LDS-interest content published/posted during the…
It’s time to vote for X-Mormon of the Year 2017!!!
It’s poll time for William Law X-Mormon of the Year! Before you vote, though, please consider nominating your favorite bloggers, podcasters, etc. for this year’s Brodie Awards! Anyone can nominate. Here are this year’s X-MotY nominees and what they did in 2017: Jacinda Ardern: This exmo became Prime Minister of…
Collecting nominations for the 2017 Brodie Awards!!!
The nomination process for X-Mormon of the Year is underway — please be sure to get in your nominations before next weekend when the voting begins. Now, it’s also time to start on the Brodie Awards!! The Brodie Awards are a fun little yearly activity intended to give some extra…
Collecting nominations for X-Mormon of the Year 2017!!!
Hey folks — it’s that time of year again! Time to decide which X-Mormon made the biggest splash in 2017!! As I said a few weeks ago, it seems like the “Mormon Moment” is over. It seems like there haven’t been as many high-profile excommunications or original public demonstrations during…
Congratulations 2016 Brodie Award Winners!!
Here are the results: Year-long awards for people and groups: Best New Blog/Channel/Podcast: Mormon Censorship Best Humor/Satire Blog/Channel/Podcast: Brother Jake Best Scripture Study Blog/Channel/Podcast: My Book of Mormon Podcast Best Mormon History Blog/Channel/Podcast: Naked Mormonism Podcast Best LDS-Church-Info Site: MormonThink Best LDS-interest Discussion Forum: r/exmormon/ Best Exmormon Reddit Contributor: u/fearlessfixxer…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Onward into 2017 edition!
We are smack dab in the middle of awards season here at Main Street Plaza! If you have not yet voted for X-Mormon of the year 2016, this week is your last chance — do it here! Also, I’ve just cleaned up the categories and added my own nominations for…
Phase II of Brodie Awards Nominations!!
We have some really fantastic nominations for the Brodie Awards so far — thanks to everyone who has nominated! And don’t forget that the voting for X-Mormon of the year will continue here until Thursday, January 12, 2016. This post is my first pass at collecting the nominations (and adding…
Time to vote for X-Mormon of the Year 2016!!
Here’s where you can vote on which X-Mormon made the biggest splash in 2016: X-Mormon of the Year 2016!! ** Note: nominations for the 2016 Brodie Awards are open ** Introducing this year’s nominees: Jeremy Runnells: Author of the CES Letter, he excommunicated the church after being called in for…
Collecting nominations for the 2016 Brodie Awards!!!
As you may recall, the Brodie Awards are a fun little yearly activity intended to give some extra recognition and signal boost to the best LDS-interest content published/posted during the past year. This is your opportunity to review your favorite pieces, find out about great works you may have missed,…