First, I’d like to post the polls for X-Mormon of the Year on the 27th of December, so please add your last-minute nominations in the comments below. Here’s who we have so far:
- Ryan Gosling (for his role as a TK smoothie!)
- Jessi Hildebrandt (for speaking out about abuse)
- Adam Steed (for exposing Jodi Hildenbrandt)
- 21st Century Saints (for their campaign to have DBS checks in the church in the UK)
- Lynn Packer (for investigative journalism on Tim Ballard)
- Tim Ballard (for getting excommunicated in 2023)
- Jon Huntsman (for his ongoing tithing lawsuit)
- The September 6 (30th anniversary edition!)
If any of your nominations are missing, please comment below. However, please note that nominations that are purely for content creation (e.g. best podcaster) have been moved to the Brodie Awards below.
For the Brodie Awards, the following are the current nominees, including some suggested categories. Remember that each category requires at least 3 nominees to proceed to the voting phase.
Please join in and add your nominations in the comments!!
Year-long awards:
Best new LDS-interest site/blog/channel/content creator 2023:
- Girlscamp podcast by Hayley Rawle
- c & A podcast
- Data Over Dogma
- Floodlit.org
Best LDS-interest YouTube channel 2023:
Best LDS-interest TikTok channel 2023:
- maklelan (Dan McClellan)
- Mormon True Crime with Beth Magnetic
- Cultural Hall
- @post_mormone with Jessie Jensen
- @analyzing.mormonism
Best LDS-interest podcast 2023:
- Radio Free Mormon
- Cults to Consciousness
- The Backyard Professor
- Human Stories
- Mormon Stories
- Mormon Land
- Breaking Down Patriarchy
- She Became Visible
- 21st Century Saints
- At Last She Said It
- Sunstone Podcast
Best LDS-interest Blog or Column 2023:
Best LDS-interest Website 2023:
- Floodlit.org
- QuitMormon.com
- LDS Discussions
- MormonThink
- WasMormon.org
- The Widow’s Mite Report
- 21st Century Saints
Awards for individual works:
Best LDS-interest Book 2023:
- The Camper Killings, by Johnny Townsend
- The Path and the Gate: Mormon Short Fiction, edited by Andrew Hall and Robert Raleigh
- Bad Mormon by Heather Gay
- Vengeance is Mine: The Mountain Meadows Massacre and Its Aftermath, by Richard E. Turley Jr and Barbara Jones Brown
- Midwife Of The Wild Frontier, by Melissa Tyler (author; illustrations by Luciana Maruca)
- Convicting the Mormons, by Janiece Johnson
Best LDS-interest Podcast Episode or Series 2023:
- Hidden True Crime: Adam Steed
- Mormon Stories: Jodi Hildebrandt
- Mormon Stories: Jessi Hildebrandt
- Mormon Stories: LDS Discussions Series
- Jordan and McKay: 8 Passengers and Connexions Series
- Zelph on the Shelf: BYU professor says divorce is too easy
- Zelph on the Shelf: Queer mormons should be eunuchs for kingdom?!
- Mormon Land: Booting women’s leaders off the stand was ‘hurtful’ and ‘heartbreaking’
- Mormonish Podcast: New Groundbreaking Research Dismantles Book of Mormon Authenticity w/ Dr. John Lundwall
- Nemo the Mormon: WHAT HAPPENED to The Mormon Church in 2023?
Best LDS-interest illustration/artwork/meme 2023:
- Jesus found the cash register at the temple
- Baptism for the dead
- King Lamoni, Jewish American Indian from the Book of Mormon
- Illustrations of Midwife Of The Wild Frontier, illustrated by Luciana Maruca
- Hi, I’m Eliza, by Rebecca Bibliotheca
- Scout camp, by Rebecca Bibliotheca
- What’s the big deal? by Rebecca Bibliotheca
Best Exit Story 2023:
- The Exact Moment I Lost My Testimony in the Mormon Church, by Alyssa Grenfell
- Why I left the Mormon Church, by Hayley Rawle
- Leaving the Mormon Church, by c & A Podcast
- Why I Left the Mormon Church – Carah’s Untold Story, by nuanceho
Best LDS-interest Political Discussion 2023:
- Mitt Romney’s disillusionment, by Zelph on the Shelf
- Ex-Mormons Unravel Zionism: Analyzing Israel-Palestine, by nuanceho
- More nominations needed!
Best LDS-interest Investigative Reporting 2023:
- Lynn Packer on Tim Ballard
- Operation Underground Railroad Update, by RFM
- Could IKEA do Mormon Temples? by Nemo the Mormon
- Recordings show how the LDS Church protects itself from child sex abuse claims, by Michael Rezendes and Jason Dearen
Best Discussion of LDS culture or doctrine 2023:
- “Purity” is a dehumanizing, delusional concept, by Zelph on the Shelf
- Today’s Young Mormons are Growing Up in a Completely Different Church, by Exmo Lex
- The disturbing world of Mormon funerals, by Zelph on the Shelf
- “They Have Changed the Ordinance”: Ritualistic Patriarchy on the Move, by the Grand Scoobah
Best LDS-interest Song 2023:
- Wonder Eye by Little Moon
- Last Christmas my shelf fell apart, by Cultural Hall
- Up, by David Archuleta
- Afraid to Love, by David Archuleta
Funniest LDS-interest Humor Piece 2023:
- ProgMo Sunday Dinner, by Jessie Jensen
- Girl Defined shares their sinful selfie past, by Zelph on the Shelf
- ?
Best Trek content 2023:
- Star Trek Canon and Biblical Theology, by Andrew Hackman
- Trauma on Trek, by Hayley Rawle
- Trekxmo (LDS Star Trek memes)
Best tales of marginalized people navigating Mormonism 2023:
- Sister Missionaries fall in love, by Latter Gay Stories
- Being Ignored as a Black Woman, by Girlscamp podcast
- The Untold Story of the 1995 LDS Women’s Conference, by nuanceho
- Human Stories: Sally Gary
- Human Stories: Laurie Lee Hall
Best work on healing from religious trauma 2023:
- My husband taught me to disappoint people, by Meg Conley
- No-Nonsense Spirituality, by Brittney Hartley
- Leaving the Mormon machine, I struggled to find community without conformity, by Monya Baker
I hope these ideas will inspire some more nominations. 😀
Thanks to everyone who has nominated so far!! I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday, and that adding your nominations here will be a fun part of it!!
*Best LDS-interest Podcast
Human Stories – https://www.facebook.com/HumanStoriespod/
Biweekly podcast featuring LGBTQ individuals with an LDS background, consistently inspiring stories of self-discovery and learning to embrace one’s self-worth
*Best LDS-interest Blog or Column
Eli McCann’s Salt Lake Tribune column (subscription only)
An occasional, light-hearted series on Mormon culture with an insider/outsider view
*Best LDS-interest Podcast Episode/Series
Human Stories – https://www.facebook.com/HumanStoriespod/
Biweekly podcast featuring LGBTQ individuals with an LDS background, consistently inspiring stories of self-discovery and learning to embrace one’s self-worth
*Best Work on Healing from Religious Trauma
This interview on CenterPeace, by an LDS-raised lesbian who helps people find religious acceptance
A short piece on making disappointing others a goal and form of liberation, by Meg Conley
*Best LDS-interest Reporting
Michael Renzedes of AP continues investigative journalism on how the LDS Church covers up sexual abuse by its leaders – so common there is a playbook, including payouts, ostracism and confidentiality agreements
“How many people can know the truth and choose to pretend they don’t and leave others at risk of the same abuse?”
*Best LDS-interest Website:
LDS Discussions – https://www.ldsdiscussions.com/
*Best LDS-interest Podcast Series:
Mormon Stories Podcast: LDS Discussions Series – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxq5opj6GqOB7J1n6pMmdUSezxcLfsced&si=8eWkex8etklYz__K
Jordan and McKay: 8 Passengers and Connexions Series – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5YSQdA5ZZvQN0NA_H_gUFZEMJ86OnGz2&si=XinlEiq7w1ogDDDg
*Best LDS-interest Video Channel:
Mormon Stories – https://www.youtube.com/mormonstories
Zelph on the Shelf – https://www.youtube.com/@ZelphOntheShelf
Jordan and McKay – https://www.youtube.com/@JordanandMcKay
*Best LDS-interest Podcast Episode –
Zelph on the Shelf: BYU professor says divorce is too easy [Responding to Jared Halverson part 1] – https://youtu.be/e7fhnli2gKU?si=xPndNXxLhMByf2g-
Zelph on the Shelf: Queer mormons should be eunuchs for kingdom?! [Responding to Jared Halverson part 2] – https://youtu.be/Ip3qoFJuh_I?si=7OxpCe_9VCBVxC2t
Mormon Stories Podcast: Jesse Hildebrandt – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCeK7sIP2Y0
Website nomination: https://wasmormon.org
Best LDS-interest podcast: Mormon Land- https://www.sltrib.com/podcasts/mormonland/
Best LDS-interest podcast episode: Booting women’s leaders off the stand was ‘hurtful’ and ‘heartbreaking’- https://open.spotify.com/episode/6UnbkDZuSjhxVy1cceFwHV?go=1&sp_cid=180fa1bee040f8f817d06a6e2fd5625b&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=f0af90e64ab747f4
Best LDS interest podcast: Breaking Down Patriarchy
Best website: Widow’s Mite at widowsmitereport.wordpress.com
Podcast episode: RFM on how the church keeps hiding child abuse
Investigative reporting: the widow’s mite on the churches ungodly US land holdings atwidowsmitereport.wordpress.com/us-land or Bill Reel on Mormonism Live “tithing what’s in a word” from January 26th episode 112
Best takes of marginalized navigating: has to be david archuletta on instagram laying the whole journey for the world to see. Heartbreaking.
Best LDS interest Illustration…
Midwife of the Wild Frontier!!!
Midwife Of The Wild Frontier https://a.co/d/7QIn9Sl
Best analysis of LDS culture and doctrine: Leaving the Mormon Machine I struggled to find community without conformity by Monya Baker
Best new LDS-interest site/blog/channel/content creator 2023:
Data Over Dogma
Best LDS-interest YouTube channel 2023:
She Became Visible
21st Century Saints
Mormon Civil War
Best LDS-interest podcast 2023:
21st Century Saints
Mormon Civil War
At Last She Said It
Sunstone Podcast
Best LDS-interest Website 2023:
Mormon Discussions
Widows Mite
Best LDS-interest Book 2023:
Convicting The Mormons – Janiece Johnson
Whoa, lots of nominees. Popping over to run these by our reddit peeps!
Thanks Chino!!
I know there’s a thread for Brodies nominations on each of the two reddits — and I will go through and add all of those nominations before making the polls. I know I promised them for today, but I might not have them ready before tomorrow morning…
Podcast series: Widows Mite Report on Mormon Stories
Podcast: Mormonish