So here it is. Enjoy. Or cringe. Or follow this link to see the complete series. Otherwise, file complaints below in comments.
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Oh man, I love those. There are some classics in that thread…
Wooden leg kitty building the temple still makes me laugh like crazy. Thanks, Chino for compiling this. Laugh tears were shed. Giggles were snorted. Guffaws were expelled from delighted bosoms.
I feelz teh spiritz.
LOLOLOL!!! Love it!!
First, brilliant! ROFL!!!
Second, I’m tripping that 8 years out I still get all of the temple references in those pics. How long until that stuff leaves my brain for good?!?
These still make me crack up. But where in hell did you find all that horrible music?!
Horrible? I’m offended. 😉 The tracks are from:
Songs for a Mormon Child
Sons of Provo
Workin’ the Glory
These are pure badassery. 😀
Thank you, CB.
Wha? Don’t be so modest. We should be thankin’ you guys for the laughs.
I watch them again and again, they never fail to make me actually LOL.
Goldarn’s contribution can not be overstated, his LOLdowment is a modern masterpiece.
Also, Sons of Provo is pure genius, I totally love it.