John Remy has posted a letter In Which [he is] asked by LDS Church Representatives to Support Prop 8 Canvassing Efforts. Jana also has some comments on love and families. MoHoHawaii weighs in on the latest [press release] from 50 E N Temple St. And John Dehlin talks about preventing gay Mormon suicide.
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efforts like these are only marginally effective.
They DO provide (email, phone) lists of supporters for their efforts that will be used for this & later efforts…
Somewhere, the organizers ‘know’ they’re preaching to the Choir, only are ‘influencing’ those already determined.
Gotta keep the home fires burning, Don’t ya know?
LDS (Mormon) ‘Yes on 8′ Game Plan
I’ve posted a letter sent from Boyd K. Packer on July 28th to the LDS stake presidents in California:
Apparently, there is a plan in place to put up one million ‘Yes on 8′ yard signs at 7:00 am on September 22nd.
Thanks for the link!
That’s an interesting use of the word “grassroots” — he’s dictating what the role and strategy of the “grassroots” organizers will be!! What LDS Inc. is doing is doing sounds more like astroturfing.
Of course, there is a GOTV effort. This has always been about turning out Republican sympathizers. Though this time, Obama voters will swamp the polls.
This letter does not contain any instructions for October. It is only about identifying supporters until the end of September and about visibility.
If the letter is authentic that means that they intent role out a GOTV plan beginning after September 22, which might include early voting, absentee voting, and election day GOTV.
Proposition 8 will go down. The proponents made a mistake to schedule the initiative during the general election. There will be too many Obama voters that will overwhelm the proposition.
I hope you’re right…
I think this vote will be Very Close (and, I’m NOT holding my breath!)… ‘old habits die S L O W L Y’