What an impressive batch of winners we’ve got this year!! This year’s collection includes some popular favorite creators who win something every year as well as some brand-new folks who have never won a Brodie Award before!! (If anyone can be said to have swept the awards this year, it would be Nemo the Mormon — which is only right considering that the poor guy got excommunicated and everything…)
Year Long Awards
Best New LDS-Interest Content Creator 2024: Alyssa Grenfell
Best LDS-Interest Podcast 2024: Radio Free Mormon
Best LDS-Interest Video Channel 2024: Nemo the Mormon
Best LDS-Interest Discussion Community/Forum 2024: r/exmormon
Best LDS-Interest Social Media Contributor 2024: u/3am_doorknob_turn
Funniest LDS-Interest Humor Site 2024: The Lord’s Newsroom
Best LDS-Interest Informational Site 2024: The Widow’s Mite Report
Biggest Mormon Douche Canoe supporting the exmo cause 2024: Bednar
(Note on the douche-canoe award: Bundy didn’t get a single vote, which I guess is some sort of win in itself for him…?)
Awards for Individual Works
Best LDS-Interest Book (Fiction) 2024: Tales of Unworthiness, by Paul H. Dumm
Best LDS-Interest Book (Narrative non-fiction) 2024: Dictates of Conscience: From Mormon High Priest to my New Life as a Woman, by Laurie Lee Hall
Best LDS-Interest Book (non-narrative, non-fiction) 2024: Second-Class Saints: Black Mormons and the Struggle for Racial Equality, by Matthew L. Harris
Best LDS-Interest Work of Poetry or Scripture 2024: Book of the Lavens, by Evan Sharley
Best LDS-Interest Song 2024: Hell Together, by David Archuleta
Best LDS-Interest Image 2024: President Nelson Making More Changes on a Whim..
Most Humorous LDS-Interest Work 2024: Church Leaders Worry Prominent LDS Therapist Openly Promoting Healthy Emotional Skills, by the Lord’s Newsroom
Best Exit Story 2024: My Excommunication is Official, by Nemo the Mormon
Best LDS-Interest Short Video 2024: Could Joseph Smith have written the Book of Mormon? by Nemo the Mormon
Best LDS-Interest Podcast Episode 2024: Getting Your Own Planet in Mormonism, by Mormonism Live
Best LDS-Interest Investigative Reporting 2024: The Widow’s Mite Report
Best Activism within the LDS Church 2024: Rebecca Biblioteca and Nemo the Mormon for challenging the McKinney, Texas Temple steeple height
Most Insightful Analysis of LDS Culture or Doctrine 2024: Tapirs are Hate Speech Now? by Nemo the Mormo
Best LDS History Piece 2024: Did the LDS Church Support the Nazis?, by Mormonism Live
Best Analysis of Mormonism and Marginalized Groups 2024: Second-Class Saints, by Matthew L. Harris
Best LDS-Interest (Post/Episode) Title 2024: Mormon Polygamous Men Were Really Bad at Sex: a Hypothesis, by Abby Maxwell Hansen
Congrats to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated!!
You can see the full list of nominees (as well as how many votes they each got) on the voting page.
As always, please feel free to display a winner button on your website if you won:

Please make a correction
*****2024 Brodie Award Winners*****
Best LDS-Interest Podcast Episode 2024: Getting Your Own Planet in Mormonism – Mormonism Live
Best LDS History Piece 2024: Did the LDS Church Support the Nazis? Mormonism Live
These are mormonism live hosted by rfm and bill reel
Not radio free mormon
Hi Bill, Thanks for the corrections, and my apologies for the error! I’ve updated the post.
no worries. and know that I am so proud of this project of love you carry out!