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God as a dad with 100 billion phone lines?
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Ever wonder why it’s OK for Mormons like the Marriotts to profit from porn? Now you know. As someone elsewhere noted: “I think this new PSA from the Mormons is much more helpful than some of their older, more boring stuff.”
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Easter Meat and Milk Edition!
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Now wait just a darn minute…
That doesn’t look a thing like me!
do you have any ‘proof'(that the photo isn’t of you/doesn’t resemble you), or, is that another of DCP’s theories?
GNPE — please use a smiley so we know you’re joining in Seth’s joke in the spirit of good fun. 😉
Sorry; I was waiting for BY to cease being a Racist /saying Racist remarks…
I thought Brigham Young was dead…
still Waiting…
ya’ know, it’s that ‘Eternal Progression’ thingee 🙂
When did Fudge get a face lift?
What did the leaders say when the dog raised its paw in opposition?
I was kind of wondering that myself…
Dog opposes:
“All kittehs goez to heavenz too. So sez ceiling cat.”