Best Discussion Forum goes to Further Light And Knowledge. (And BTW, a big thanks to all the folks from all of the different discussion forums who participated in these awards! It was a pretty close race between FLAK and Mormon Discussions!)
Best Static Site on LDS Issues goes to Richard Packham.
Best Humor Site goes to FLAK‘s LOLDamuz.
Best YouTube Channel goes to Chino Blanco.
Best Podcast goes to Mormon Expression.
Best New Blog goes to USU SHAFT.
Best Exit Story goes to Leah for The Rise and Fall of a Testimony.
Best Life Beyond Mormonism post goes to Equality for Apostasy Been Berra Berra Good to Me.
Most Poignant Story goes to Belaja for Johnny Lingo, Johnny Lingo.
Best Seth R. Comment or Exchange goes to Seth R. for Symbolically, in the LDS Church, women suck.
Best Post Title is a tie, going to Gen. JC Christian for Barak Obama is a secret alien from the Slzrd Star System and to Kuri for Jesus Beats Hef, 4-3.
Best Humor Piece goes to Jon for Watching LDS General Conference so you dont have to.
Best Response to Apologists goes to ProfXM for Bruce C. Hafen, LDS Churchs official gaybasher.
Best Historical Post goes to Mike Reed for Joseph Smith Jrs Cane: A Thing of Nature?
Best Book Review goes to Kuri for The unreliable author: Why Stephenie [sic] Meyer is accidentally a great writer (sort of).
Best Philosophical/Religious Post goes to Andrew S. for Internet vs. Chapel Mormons Yet another divider.
Best Gay Rights Post goes to Holly for Some Common Arguments Against Gay Marriage.
Best LDS Gender Roles Discussion goes to Randy for Boilerplate Husband.
Best LDS Church Watch goes to Holly for I’m Not Buying It.
Best Intrepid Reporting goes to Eric Norwood for Trapped in a Mormon Gulag.
Best Bridge-Building with the Faithful goes to John Dehlin.
and Most Tireless Community Builder goes to Chanson.
Congratulations to all of our winners!!! You’ve won the right to proudly display a winner button of your choice on your website:
And thanks to everyone who participated!!!
Hooray for all the winners!!!
I’m happy that my favorite Seth R. comment won. Congrats Seth R.! Way to put it to patriarchy.
Yay! Many thanks to Chanson for organizing the 1st annual Brodie fest. Now I’m off to post links to this announcement on Facebook and Twitter (hint, hint).
You like me! You really like me!
This is great, thanks to chanson and MSP for just being so awesome. No kidding, I think Chino and chanson are single- (or double) handedly making ALL exmos fabulous and upping our game to new levels. Love to all, and FLAK rocks. π
I’d like to thank my mom, my dad, my third-grade teacher, my poodle “Puddles” and my Pilates trainer Sven for this honor.
Thanks so much! I couldn’t have done it without mormonism.
Does SML get to post one of those award thingies too? Ours was a joint production.
I guess I will have to re-open the blog, just so I can use my prize.
Most awesome! Thanks to everyone who put time and energy into this production!
There were some great nominees and nominations. Amazing writing (and works of art) by many.
I hope next year, more nominees and nominations from various places on the internet will surface. There are some very creative, intelligent folks out there with stunning, poignant and funny things to say.
And here on MSP (or other places) we don’t always get exposure to that. So I will definitely be keeping a personal list of great writing/work – and I recommend others in the post/fringe/ex/whatever mormon community do as well!
WHEEEEEEEEE! Thank you! I have already placed my award up with a link back here. π
I am so, so pleased with my Best Exit Story win! Thank you, thank you!
But I have a question: How do I get the button to put on my site?
Congrats to all the other winners! This was so fun!
Thanks for the support, everyone! And thanks, Leah, for the fun neck-to-neck competition over “Best New Blog.”
Sweet! I won something!
The entries were all really great too!
Congratulations all around!
Of course — I should have mentioned her artwork.
Normally, you can just right-click on the image of your choice and you’ll get a menu with the option of saving a copy of the image. After that, how to add it to your blog or site kind of depends on which software you’re using.
Leah–You can also right click one of the images above, go to properties, copy the url address given, and then past the url on your page using the appropriate html coding.
Everyone have a look at Mike’s blog or Holly’s to see how nice the Brodie award looks in your sidebar. π
Very cool. Congrats to all the winners, and thanks for the nod, ya’ll.
Larsen — I’m coming after you for next year.
(With infinite admiration, of course)
Hey, it was more than a nod — you won a whole award. Not everybody won, y’know… π
Sweet! Thanks everyone who voted for me. Or even just looked at my blog.
Congratulations to all the winners!!
Congrats all!
I like what you guys are up also. Such intelligent work and reporting! Carry on the excellent works guys I’ve incorporated you guys to my blogroll. I think it’ll improve the value of my web site π