If it looks like your nominee is missing, please be aware that I moved all nominations for content-creators (Radio Free Mormon, Exmo Lex, Nuanceho, etc.) to the nominations for the Brodie Awards. That’s the place for content creators who are nominated specifically for their creative work (as opposed to being nominated for newsworthy actions such as real-world activism or leaving the church).
On that note, the nominations for the Brodie Awards 2022 are current open!! Please nominate your favorite LDS-interest works and content creators!!
Here are the nominees for X-Mormon of the Year 2022:
David Archuleta, a famous singer who (in 2022) publicly decided to “step back” from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after coming out as gay.
Nemo the Mormon (Douglas Stillgoe) for carrying out a public exchange (in 2022) with Dallin H. Oaks — presenting evidence for why he can’t sustain the First Presidency of the CoJCoL-dS. My biggest hesitation in voting for him for 2022 is that there’s a good chance he’ll get Ex’d in 2023. And BTW, I don’t mean that he deserves to be Ex’d — not at all. But the more sincere he is in caring about the church and wanting to help the church do better, the more likely it is they’ll kick him out (speaking from past experience, hosting this award for 10+ years…).
James Huntsman appealed his tithing/fraud lawsuit against the CoJCoL-dS in 2022.
Lindsay Hansen Park for her work in 2022 to publicly defend “Under the Banner of Heaven”.
Evan Smith, a former Mormon bishop who (in 2022) opened deep discussions on gay belonging in the Church, wrote a book to urge more inclusiveness, all before his son came out to him. He and has family ultimately decided to leave.
Russell M. Nelson for making himself and every other Mormon an “ExMormon” — since he declared that identifying as “Mormon” a “win for Satan.” This was several years ago, though. There’s nothing 2022-specific in his nomination.
Sandra Tanner closed the Utah Lighthouse Ministry Bookstore in 2022 after running it for 60 years.
Jacinda Ardern for putting a sexist reporter in his place in 2022. Note that she already won X-Mormon of the Year in 2020.
Mark Hofman for being a notable Ex-Mormon. As far as I know he didn’t do anything newsworthy in 2022, but he’s still alive, so maybe he’ll do something more newsworthy in a future year.
The poll will remain open until Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 at 10:00 am Switzerland time.