It’s that time of year again — awards season!!
Considering how little I’ve done to keep the ol’ blog alive this past year, I guess I won’t be surprised if interest in our yearly awards has dropped off. But just in case people are still interested, we’re hosting them again, as we have every year since 2009.
The nomination process is very simple, and anyone can participate. Just write your nominee in the comments below (preferably with a bit of info on who the person is and why they deserve to be X-Mormon of the year 2019).
The X-Mormon of the year is meant to be the X-Mormon who made the biggest splash in the public eye during the year 2019. You don’t have to have gotten excommunicated during 2019 to be eligible, but it helps.
It’s intended to be for real-life actions (such as activism). Those whose 2019 contributions are in the arts (eg. made a film or wrote a book) — please save those nominations for the Brodie Awards, which will be coming up soon.
Thanks, and I hope we’ll get some great nominations this year!
Sam Young, hands down. Excommunicated for trying to protect Mormon children from sexually abusive questioning by bishops, founded Protect Every Child, and is now trying to protect all children from sexual abuse in religion. Sam is amazing!
Russell M. Nelson – double and triple down on the idea that ‘mormon’ should not be a thing, making him a supreme heresiarch to mormonism; Also, flipped flop on policy that he claimed had been revealed from God, and in a talk to BYU explaining the subject managed to throw God under the bus in preference to himself. Truly the X-Mormon of the year.
Jana Riess.
Jacinda Arden.
P.S. I’m shamelessly cribbing from this thread:
@Chino — thanks for the help on reddit! Thanks for the great nominations!!
The only thing is that Sam Young won last year, so I’m not sure he should be eligible again so soon.
Best op-Ed “LDS Church Officials Are Practicing Spiritual Extortion” by Lesley Butterfield