Polls will remain open until Friday, February 3, 2017 at 10am (Switzerland time). Good luck to everyone!
Year-long awards for people and groups:
Brodies 2016: Best New Blog/Channel/Podcast
Brodies 2016: Best Humor/Satire Blog/Channel/Podcast
Brodies 2016: Best Scripture Study Blog/Channel/Podcast
Brodies 2016: Best Mormon History Blog/Channel/Podcast
Brodies 2016: Best LDS-Church-Info Site
Brodies 2016: Best LDS-interest Discussion Forum
Brodies 2016: Best Exmormon Reddit Contributor
Brodies 2016: Best faithful-perspective Mormon Blog or Podcast
- Mormon Discussion Podcast
- Zelophehad’s Daughters
- Exponent II
- By Common Consent
- Wheat & Tares
- Rational Faiths
- A Thoughtful Faith
Awards for Individual Works:
Brodies 2016: Best LDS-Interest Book (Fiction)
- Invasion of the Spirit Snatchers, by Johnny Townsend
- The Garden of Enid: Adventures of a Weird Mormon Girl, by Scott Hales
- For Time and All Eternities, by Mette Ivie Harrison
Brodies 2016: Best LDS-Interest Book (General non-fiction)
- Secret Combinations: Evidence of Early Mormon Counterfeiting, by Kathleen Kimball Melonakos
- Administrative Records, Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846 from the Joseph Smith Papers Project
- Singing and Dancing to The Book of Mormon: Critical Essays on the Broadway Musical, edited by Marc Edward Shaw and Holly Welker
- The Ghost of Eternal Polygamy: Haunting the Hearts and Heaven of Mormon Women and Men, by Carol Lynn Pearson
Brodies 2016: Best LDS-Interest Book (Narrative non-fiction)
- Glorious in Persecution: Joseph Smith, by Martha S. Bradley-Evans
- William B. Smith: in the shadow of the prophet, by Kyle R. Walker
- Leonard Arrington and the Writing of Mormon History, by
Gregory A. Prince - Religious Rehab: A Memoir, by Todd Maxwell Preston
- From Mormon To Mermaid: One Woman’s Voyage From Oppression To Freedom, by Lorelei Kay
- Baring Witness: 36 Mormon Women Talk Candidly about Love, Sex, and Marriage, edited by Holly Welker
Brodies 2016: Best LDS-Interest Song
- Midnight, by Tyler Glenn
- Brother Joseph, by Brother Jake
- Trash, by Tyler Glenn
- Heather’s remix of Creep
- You Can’t Have Sax in the Chapel, by subversive asset
- Don’t You Dare Bail, by Diane Tingen
Brodies 2016: Best Poem
- What was left unsaid and Personal Wave, Global Ocean, by Luman Walters
- Apparitions, by Don Bagley
- Return, pt. III and Gaia, by Rachael Matthews
- Bath, by Steph
- Junebug, by Leia
Brodies 2016: Best LDS-Interest Comic or Image
- The Lost 116 Pages: How It Should Have Ended, by Steve Otteson
- Pat Bagley: on reporting rape at BYU
- If Jesus were leading the meetings…, by happy_apostate
- Religious Freedom at BYU, by Bart Pascoal
Brodies 2016: Best Mormon-Themed Meme
- Where Will You Go? – Artistic Edition, by Steve Otteson
- Seerstone iPhone, by jersephsmerth
- happy_apostate series, including Satan lurks in the shadows, Olympic Mental Gymnastics, Every Member a Janitor, Harriet Tubman Left Slavery but she couldn’t Leave It Alone, Of course it isn’t a cult, and Follow the prophet… Cheers!
Brodies 2016: Best Post Title
- The Dominant Narrative Is Not True, by Bill Reel
- Joseph’s Technicolor Dream-Stone, by Naked Mormonism Podcast, SpEdEp 36
- You’d Be Surprised How Many Women Joseph Didn’t Have Sex With, by Casey
- Pussy Grabbernacle Choir Begins Telestial Outreach Tour, by Timothy McFoster
- The purpose of the church history department, rather than the purpose of church history, this is really the purpose of our department, is to help God’s children make and keep sacred covenants, by Mithryn
Brodies 2016: Funniest Humor Piece
- 8 Sure Signs of Apsotasy, by Tanner of Zelph
- How I feel about TSCC most days, by dbear848 + comments
- Ex-Mormon Man’s Sins to Blame, Not Thousands of Hours of Church History Research, by Zina of Zelph
- Elder Holland Furious over Apostate Flapdoodles, by Mahonri Smith
Brodies 2016: Funniest Parody
- Rejected Millennial Star Posts, by Casey
- Brother Joseph, by Brother Jake
- Excommunicating Apostates: A One Act Play, by James Patterson
- Mormon Newswire: Church to Combine Ex-Communication Vigils, by Paul Barker
- Baby it’s Bigamy (polygamy), by Thinker of Thoughts
Brodies 2016: Best Metaphor/Analogy/Allegory
- After being excommunicated, Amy Malouf compares the church to a nicely wrapped present; it may be beautiful on the outside, but there are nasty surprises hiding inside.
- You are not dirty and undesirable, YOU ARE GOLD, by Richie T
- Top 10 ways the church is like North Korea, by Mormon Expression Podcast
Brodies 2016: Best From the Pulpit Sermon
Brodies 2016: Most Poignant Personal Story
- Naked Mormonism Podcast – “CC – Norma” (after episode 41)
- Elizabeth Grimshaw – Facing LDS Excommunication for being Same-Sex Married
- Heritage: Full Circle, by Dad’s Primal Scream
- Kid’s b-day wish was that his dad wouldn’t get called to stake presidency, by Geomu
- What it was like in the closet, by Ben
- Mormon and Gay, by John Gustav-Wrathall
- Cleaning the Church to Tears, by Sam Young
- I said my goodbyes, by itwasfanniealger
- The question I asked myself right before I got married, by Heather_ME
Brodies 2016: Best Exit Story
- Tyler Glenn
- Revisiting My Story, by Luman Walters
- Doubt, the true path to enlightenment, by Myrtlejoy
- Impossible Promises, by Steve Otteson
- Up And Onward To Something Better, by Albert of Zelph
- A Year Ago Today Everything Changed, by Tanner of Zelph
- Benefit of Doubt, by Thunderchicken
Brodies 2016: Best Original Research Regarding Mormonism
- Analysis of membership statistics, by kimballthenom
- Youth Suicide Rates and Mormon Religious Context: An Additional Empirical Analysis, by Benjamin Knoll
- Discrediting the Expositor: Part 3, Mad Hominem, by Thinker of Thoughts
- Faculty Gender Balance at the BYUs – Graphs of the Data, by Ziff
- 2016 MHA presentation discussing whether there is a basis in fact for period anti-mormon literature, especially “The Fate of Madame La Tour.” by Don Bradley
Brodies 2016: Best Leak or Personal Recording
- Jeremy Runnells LDS Church Court, by Jeremy Runnells
- Leaked conversation with the brethren and former Oregon Senator, Gordon Smith, by anonymous via Ryan McKnight
- Apostle Rasband gives fireside advice to the youth, by anonymous
- Behind the Veil 2, by NewNameNoah
Brodies 2016: Best LDS Church Watch Piece
- Religious Freedom and Utah’s Theocracy, by Albert Carrington (Zelph on the Shelf)
- No, there have not been 30 talks about child abuse in General Conference since 1976, by Ziff
- News of BYU Rape Policies are Triggering Me…, by Natasha Helfer Parker
- The Mysteries of God, or Handbook 1, by Lisa Torcasso Downing
- What happens without a loyal opposition? by Stephen R. Marsh
- The Church Doesn’t Hide its History, by Heath Workman
- City Creek Center – breeding cynicism, by ProfXM
Brodies 2016: Best Response to Apologetics
- The Dominant Narrative Is Not True, by Bill Reel
- Bursting the Bubble: What Mark Twain Really Thought of Mormonism, by Zina of Zelph on the Shelf
- Mormon statement on child abuse: Move along, folks; we don’t have a problem, by Jana Riess
- Floyd Weston’s 17 Points of Contrived Confirmation Bias, by Fred W. Anson
- Updating the five key points of a Latter Day Saint Testimony. (Testimony Glove Style), by 4blockhead
Brodies 2016: Best LDS-Culture Piece
- Highway to Hell, Verlyne’s Love Affair With Coffee, Debrief Society Podcast
- Salt – An MTC Tale, by 68Cadillac
- Why Mormons Are So Friendly, by Thinker of Thoughts
- On Being Brown… on Pioneer Day, by Gina Colvin
- Fat fighting 70s Mormon style… by Knotty
- Challenging the “Addiction” Paradigm with Regard to Pornography, by Mormon Matters Podcast
Brodies 2016: Best History Piece
- The Adam God Historical Subterfuge, by Mormon Discussion Podcast
- Mark Hoffman Series on Naked Mormonism Podcast (after Spec Ed 28)
- How Mormon Women Were Correlated Out of LDS Church Finances, by Joanna
- Remarkable Transparency, by Runtu
- Eliza Snow, The Mormon War & Her Alleged Gang-Rape, by Grindæl
- What South Park Got Wrong About Mormons!, by Thinker of thoughts
Brodies 2016: Best Scripture Study Piece
- What if the Book of Mormon was True?, by Paul Barker
- 3 Nephi 19: In Which Jesus is Terrible at his Job, by Alex
- The Bible makes sense when you realize it’s nonsensical, by John Draper
- 8 Crazy Teachings of the Journal of Discourses, by Zina of Zelph
- BoM Lesson 15 (King Benjamin 1), by Daniel Midgley
- “It’s just words, folks”: Donald Trump’s and the Bible’s, by Steve Wells
- Christ: New Testament Compared to Book of Mormon, by Thinker of thoughts
Brodies 2016: Most Insightful Commentary on the CoJCoL-dS
- Unanimity Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be, by Dad’s Primal Scream
- Leadership Myopia, by Jason L
- Instruments in the Orchestra – How Inclusive is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?, by Andrew S
- Malcom Gladwell, Elder Holland and the Legitimacy of Authority, by James Patterson
- The Laundry List, by Steve Evans
- Flip the Script: The How and Why of Jeremy Runnells’ Exit, by Thinker of thoughts
Brodies 2016: Best Philosophical/Theological Discussion
- Greg Prince on A Thoughtful Faith
- Reflections on the New Zealand/Australia Special Conference: Finding Mormonism’s Thin Places, by Gina Colvin
- Conditional Love Is Back, by Dave Banack
- “God Wouldn’t Do That”, by Lynette
Brodies 2016: Best Podcast Episode
- Mormon Stories: 650-652, One Ordinary Family’s Extraordinary Mormon Transition
- Mormon Stories 664: The Excommunication of Amy and Jake Malouf Pt. 2 – The Verdict
- Project Zion 54: Nancy Ross’ journey from Ordain Women to Community of Christ
- Faith Transitions 16: Brittanny Mangelson
- Bill Reel Mormon Discussions #244 Why They Leave
- Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson gave a half-day lecture with the goal of explaining mormonism to evangelical Christians.
- Undue Influence in General Conference – Luna Lindsey “Behold thy Mother”, by Thinker of thoughts
Brodies 2016: Best Short Media Presentation
- TEDx: Religion and Curiosity, by Zachary Lien
- Bill McKeever on the street at the Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant discussing mormon doctrine with mormon youth.
- Sidney Rigdon: Forgotten Hero of Mormonism, by Bryce Blankenagel, Seattle Sunstone
Have fun, and may the best content of 2016 win!!
Is it me or did the voting buttons disappear? I started and then got distracted and when I came back… it just lists the nominees. No voting buttons
NVM I figured out the problem. For anyone else not seeing the voting buttons, both of my laptops were preventing “scripts” from running. I guess it was my antivirus protection and so I had to click on the little red indicator in the top toolbar to allow it to run this script.
@Dennis — Thanks so much for the tip! When I read your comment this morning, I thought it was something like that, but I couldn’t check it out and fix it because I was already on the train to go to one of the sister marches to the Women’s March on Washington.
One small correction in the last category, Best Short Media Presentation.
“Martin Harris: Forgotten Hero of Mormonism”. The link actually links to a talk called, “Sydney Rigdon: Forgotten Hero of Mormonism”
My mistake…I for some reason got Sydney Rigdon and Martin Harris mixed up when I nominated it. Thanks for catching that, Dennis.
Thanks for catching that — sorry I missed it myself when making the polls. I’ve corrected it in the description, though.
Infants on Thrones didn’t get nominated for anything at all? That’s rather surprising.