I overheard two young guys at the gym this morning talking Churchy stuff. Mormon Churchy stuff. One was on a bench to my right, the other was on my left; they spoke over me as if I wasn’t there. (See The Invisible Woman! post).
Category: Testimony
Symbolic beliefs can counter cognitive dissonance, but at a cost
Polygamy's Latter Day Toll–a dialogue
More polygamy stuff. In my comments, Elder T. Wanker asked some specific questions concerning polygamy and the impact it has on Mormon women today. Once again, I add the disclaimer that I cannot speak for every woman, only myself. And we know how much baggage concerning sexuality and Mormonism I…
Polygamy's Latter Day Toll
A fellow blogger and fellow contrarian wrote a brilliant post on polygamy…well also on the number four and fucking and…well, you’ll just need to go read it. Anyway, I think he’s brilliant. And I love debating with him. As I started to respond via a comment, I realized my comment…