I am now, and have been for over 11 months to date, very happy and my depression has become almost non-existent. I have found out for myself, that being gay or homosexual, is not only right for me, but also can be enjoyed, and bring much joy to the lives…
Category: Boyd Packer
What Can I Say…I Am Still Gay! I have never been known to stay where I am not wanted. My present Bishop and Elder’s Quorum President do not like me because I am now openly Gay and they know it. They are both very Homophobic. L Therefore, I have been…
Revisionism: The Sin (and Doctrine) of the Ages
About 15 months ago, I published a pieceon MSP, the first of series of posts exploring issues related to mixed-orientation marriages, that generated a number of comments by someone who identified himself as An Inner Light. I subsequently found out that this person is Joshua Johanson, a youngish Mormon who…
Boyd-Speak: Where I’m At and Why I Bother
Invictus Pilgrim formerly blogged at invictuspilgrim.blogspot.com. For personal reasons, he has taken that blog private and has started at new blog at mohosapiens.blogspot.com. The following was his initial post on his new blog. A little over 15 months ago, I was prompted (not in the Mormon sense, but in the…
What is Truth: Gays, Believers and Apostates
As has been pointed out by numerous commenters throughout the (relatively short) life of my blog (at http://invictuspilgrim.blogspot.com), a gay (active/post/ex-/inactive/anything in between) Mormons relationship to the LDS Church is often complicated. The reason for this should be obvious (but perhaps isnt to many members of the Church). Many gay…
Why Would Heavenly Father Do That?
This now-infamous question (slightly paraphrased) posed by President Boyd K. Packer at this past October Conference will, I think, reverberate in the minds of many church members for years to come and not just with respect to sexual orientation. I cant help thinking that Elder Packer may for many members…
Exodus: A Gay Mans Journey Out of Marriage and Mormonism
My world changed forever on Sunday, October 3, 2010. That morning, I heard four sentences that wrecked my faith in Mormonism, shattered my marriage and destroyed a false persona that I had carefully maintained for most of my adult life. These words, which quickly became infamous, were uttered by the…
The Packer Effect
We may not be able to prove that language like that expressed by Boyd “homophobe” Packer leads directly to suicides of homosexual Mormons (like this one), but here’s some interesting correlational data that suggests his anti-scientific, ignorant, bigoted views are filtering down to the members, at least those in Utah:…
A journey into manhood with ABC Nightline, Wayne Besen, Ted Cox, William Bradshaw and Boyd Packer
x-posted at Daily Kos, Pam’s House Blend, and Street Prophets. And this particular journey will be (mostly) televised. ABC Nightline … After watching the two segments embedded below, Wayne Besen asks ABC Nightline: Do people really need to spend $650 to suppress their desires? I was incredibly disappointed with ABC…
suicide numbers
I posted HRC’s press conference video on my Facebook page and it lead to a fun debate with some Mormon friends. In that debate, someone demanded I provide “evidence” that Packer’s views lead to violence. I, of course, clarified that I didn’t say it led to direct violence against homosexuals…