We have got some really great nominations so far for the Brodies!! In order to help give you some ideas, here are some of the categories that have been suggested: Best humor piece Funniest person or site Longest discussion about obscure philosophical concepts Randomest threadjack Best historical post Best response…
Category: Awards
Collecting Nominations for the “Spawn of Brodie” Awards!!
The Mormon Alumni Association announces the “Spawn of Brodie” awards!! They’re like Oscars or Emmys for X-Mormon online excellence! Obviously, the idea is based on the Bloggernacle’s Niblets awards, which we’re participating in (see, for example, Sunday in Outer Blogness in the write-in category). However, in comments around the Bloggernacle,…
Vote for the 2009 William Law X-Mormon of the Year!!!
While taking in nominations, I was surprised by how accomplished and undersung X-Mormons are. Fortunately the Mormon Alumni Association is here to remedy the situation with a brand-new yearly award for the X-Mormon who has made the biggest impact!!! And we will make every effort to send the winner a…
Vote for us in the Niblets!!
As you know, tomorrow we’ll begin voting for the Mormon Alumni Association’s William Law X-Mormon of the Year Award. But don’t let that distract you from voting in the Niblets. A number of people from our community have been nominated, and there’s no reason a dark horse shouldn’t win. 😀…
Announcing the William Law X-Mormon of the Year Award!!
You may have seen that Times and Seasons elected Harry Reid “Mormon of the Year” for 2009. Then — not to be outdone — BCC created the Boggs-Doniphan “Gentile of the Year” Award, and awarded it to Stephen Colbert. Well, it’s time for Main Street Plaza to get into the…