It’s awards season again!! You may recall we kind of skipped last year… because 2020 was, let’s just say, a challenging year for a lot of us. But this year we’d like to resume Main Street Plaza’s 10-year tradition of the Brodie Awards and X-Mormon of the Year!!
The X-Mormon of the year should be the X-Mormon who made the biggest splash that year. As always, you don’t have to have gotten excommunicated during the year in question — but it doesn’t hurt!
I’d like to invite everyone to post their nominations in the comments below. I can start with the most obvious ones that pop into my mind:

Jacinda Ardern has been nominated repeatedly — after all, how often does an exmo become Prime Minister of a whole country? I think 2020 may be her year because of the worldwide attention she received for how well New Zealand responded to the Covid crisis.

For 2021, I’m kind of leaning towards Kyrsten Sinema. She made a splash, that’s for sure! And the guidelines don’t say that you have to have made headlines for something positive….
What are your ideas? Which other X-Mormons deserve recognition for their actions of 2020 or 2021?
You can post below without making an account here, and we will try to gather here all of the nominations that we see on other platforms. Please be sure to mention which year you’re nominating the person for, and if you can include a relevant link, that would be even better.
And please start gathering your nominations for the Brodie Awards!!
James Huntsman for suing the LDS Church for fraud.
exMoLex for telling the world about soaking
Kyle Ashworth for sharing inspiring stories, and holding Church leaders accountable for horrible treatment of queer people
Thanks for the great nominations so far!!
Please, everyone be sure to include the year with your nominations so that we know which year you’re nominating people for. And — ideally — if you could include a link to an article or something about what the nominee did, that would be really, really helpful.
RFM and Bill Reel for 2021 exmos of the year, for Mormonism Live.
BTW, there’s a thread about this on the exmormon Reddit, with lots of additional nominations: https://old.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/r65ctu/i_agree_that_jacinda_ardern_is_the_obvious_choice/
How about Matt Easton, the BYU valedictorian who announced himself as a ‘gay son of God’ at BYU commencement and earlier this year got called out by apostle Jeffrey Holland this year
Easton’s articulate, insightful,hopeful response helped how how hateful and baked-in Church leaders’ homophobia is
For 2021: Billionaire Jeff T. Green for his public resignation from the LDS Church because of its harmful attitude towards, civil rights, women’s rights, and L.G.B.T.Q.+ rights.