Thanks for all of the additional nominations!!! I am really sorry for losing so many nominations between the first and second nomination threads — there was this cute little button marked “older comments” which I somehow didn’t notice when I did my earlier roundup. I hope I have everything now — if you see any errors, please comment below (or you can email me: chanson dot exmormon at gmail dot com).
I have mostly finalized the categories — I have moved some nominations from one category to another in order to try to even out the categories a bit. In particular, I think the categories of “Best Blog Post” and “Best Podcast Episode” are just too general, so I have moved those nominations to more specific categories. If you would like me to move any nomination to a different category, please say so in the comments — but keep in mind that I need at least three nominations per category. I still might have to eliminate some categories, but I will try to move the affected nominations to other categories. (If one of your faves is in an incomplete category — feel free to nominate some competition! )
I will keep nominations open for one more week because of the confusion over the lost nominations. So you have until February 3, 2019 to add your nominations.
Here’s what we have so far:
Year-long awards for people and groups:
Best New Blog/Channel/Podcast/Site
- Marriage on a Tightrope
- The Drunk Mormon Podcast
- Latter Day Lesbian
- Glass Box Podcast
- Mr. Atheist
- Tapirshit
- Mormon Women Speak
- Unrigeteous Dominion
Best Podcast
- Mormon Happy Hour Podcast
- No Man Knows My Herstory
- Naked Mormonism
- Radio Free Mormon
- Infants on Thrones
Best Humor/Satire Blog/Channel/Podcast
Best Site of Images/Memes/Comics
- Tapirshit
- Stuff You Missed in Sunday School
- Love and Sects, by Devin Sunde
Best Mormon History Blog/Channel/Podcast
Best Exmormon Reddit Contributor
Awards for Individual Works:
Best LDS-Interest Book (Fiction)
- Mormon Erotica, by Donna Banta
- The Shoals of Ammoron, by Alex Hansen
- Mormon Madness, by Johnny Townsend
- The Moat around Zion, by Johnny Townsend
Best LDS-Interest Book (non-fiction)
- Educated, by Tara Westover
- How To Think: Why Rational and Faith-Based Thinking are Incompatible, by Spencer Wright
- Destroying Their God: How I Fought My Evil Half-Brother to Save My Children, by Wallace Jeffs
Best LDS-Interest Song
- Theme song to “The Drunk Mormon Podcast”
- You Can’t Touch This (COB), by Weird Alma
- Temple Changes, by Weird Alma
- Zelphraiser, by Jake, Who Is Dead
Best LDS-Interest Comic or Image
- Cosmomormon, Volume 1, Issue 5, by Reddit user CosmoMormonMagazine
- Pat Bagley: Buyer Beware
- The Mormon Zodiac signs
- Mormon Deadpool images
- The Seeing Eye Dog, by Jack Naneek
- Love and Sects, Chapter 9, by Devin Sunde
Best Humor Piece or Parody
- Mormon Jesus Infomercial, by Zelph on the Shelf
- Mormon-forcement Pornography, by Zelph on the Shelf
- Cosmomormon Magazine, issue 5
- Fake church apology before NCAA meeting, by Jonathan Streeter
- I Don’t Take Women’s Ideas and Claim Them as My Own– God Gave Me These Ideas. And In Completely Unrelated News Please Don’t Talk About These Ideas and Let’s Pretend Those Women Don’t Exist, by Feminist Mormon Housewives
- Conspiracy theory of Aunt Wendy and the Apostle Wives Club by Red Ryder @ New Order Mormon
- What if Christ Interviewed Sinners Like Mormon Bishops Do
Best Metaphor/Analogy/Allegory
- Leaving religion is like drowning, by /u/candidecando
- This category needs two more nominations in order to go on to the voting phase
Most Poignant Personal Story
- Educated, by Tara Westover
- McKenna Denson/Joseph Bishop interview
- Elna Baker discussing her experiences with explicit questioning in worthiness interviews on This American Life
Best Life Journey Piece
- Project Zion Podcast: Royleane and Steve Otteson
- Episode 42: Happy birthday to Kelsae and a coming out story
- Radio West interview with Tara Westover about her book, Educated”
- Truth Seeking with Hans and Birgitta Mattsson
Best History Piece
- Mormonism Research Ministry: Brigham Young’s Adam is God” sermon.
- The Drunk Mormon Podcast: Joseph Smith: Egyptologist
- This category needs two more nominations in order to go on to the voting phase
Best Activist/Activtist Movement Within Mormonism
- Sam Young and Protect LDS Children
- This category needs two more nominations in order to go on to the voting phase
Best Leak or Personal Recording
- McKenna Denson/Joseph Bishop interview
- Lou Midgley for claiming Packer urged the 2012 John Dehlin hit piece and that members of the (once top secret) Strengthening the Members Committee had reviewed it…. all before Peterson was fired by email after GA involvement.
- Mormon Leaks for the internal Kirton McConkie document summarizing investigations of abuse
- Escorted out of F&T meeting today VIDEO
Best Watchdog Piece
- New York Times Obituary for Thomas Monson
- Perpetuating Abuse: Settlements and Non-Disclosure Agreements
- A Signed Open Letter to John Dehlin and the OSF
- Bill Reel, Mormon Discussions: Elder Holland, Liar Liar Pants on Fire
Best Discussion of Activism
- Mormon Happy Hour: Interview with NewNameNoah Mike Norton on his Arrest for Trespassing LDS Temple
- Mormon Happy Hour: Interview with Sam Young after 23 Day Hunger Strike
- This category needs one more nomination in order to go on to the voting phase
Best Op-Ed
- Fred Karger: Chenoweth should bow out of performance with Tabernacle Choir
- Open letter to LDS Patriarchy, by Lesley Butterfield
- Teetotalers for Legal Marijuana, by Johnny Townsend
- Our Nazi Who Art in Heaven, by Johnny Townsend
Best Film or Media Presentation
- Bishop Interviews 2.0 – The Next Generation
- Church and State documentary film by Holly Tuckett and Kendall Wilcox
- Believer
Best Scripture Study Piece
- The Weird and Wild Old Testament Podcast with Dr. Sheldon Greaves
- The Drunk Mormon Podcast: The Frickin’ Golden Plates!!
- This category needs one more nomination in order to go on to the voting phase
Best From the Pulpit Sermon
- Thomas Shaffer
- This category needs two more nominations in order to go on to the voting phase
Best LDS-Culture Piece
- Why Its Not Helpful To Tell Me To Leave
- The Drunk Mormon Podcast: We Know Who Bigfoot Is
- Mormon Happy Hour: Soaking is Fundamental
- Mormon Happy Hour: Interview with Gina Colvin and Natasha Helfer Parker
Most Insightful Commentary on the CoJCoL-dS
- Radio Free Mormon: General Conference Death March
- Elder Oaks and the Bending of the Mormon Soul
- Sister Bednar – A Life of Doctrine Over Self
Best Philosophical/Theological Discussion
- MHH32: An Evening with the Drunk Mormon Podcast
- The McConkie-Bednar Testimony “Going after the one” vs “What does it matter”
- Katie L at FMH deconstructing revised LDS policy on worthiness interviews in view of Christian theology.
Best Discussion on Race
- The Racism 101 podcast
-, by Jonathan Streeter
- Zandra Vranes, Sistas in Zion
- The Long Promised Day: 40 Years Later, by Dr. Paul Reeve, University of Utah.
Best Discussion on Polygamy and/or Sexual Abuse within Mormonism
- Johnny Stephenson and Jeremy Runnels at Mormonite Musings for “The Irrational World of Brian Hales’ Polygamy.”
- Mosaic Podcast coverage of McKenna Denson’s story.
- Mormon Happy Hour: Mormon Sexual Trauma Dumpster Fire
- Mormon Happy Hour: Sam Young Reacts to Episode of This American Life
Best Discussion on Gender or Orientation
- Ask a Mormon Lesbian
- Mormon Women Speak, featuring Mica McGriggs, PhD and the Hushed Ones Documentarians
- Mormon Happy Hour: Queer Polygamy with Blaire Ostler
The nomination guidelines are found here. I look forward to seeing the rest of the nominations!!
Best History piece:
My Book of Mormon ep 209 on the lost D&C Section 101 on monogamy
Best Podcast:
The Drunk Mormon Podcast:
For Best Life Journey Piece:
Best new podcast: Wardless Podcast
Best Church Watch: Bill McKeever, Mormonism Research Ministry’s series of discussions about dropping the word “mormon” and its implications across the board.
Best History Piece: Reddit user mcguirerod pointed to a Massachusetts Supreme Court case from 1847 that declared Brigham Young had been a party to breaking up a marriage on the grounds of adultery.
Best Life Journey: Brooke and Josh Miller, interview for Mormon Stories
Best Discussion on Orientation: “Good Standing” staged at Plan B Theater, author Matthew Greene
Best Op-Ed: Why do so many religious Utahns still vote Republican by Charlotte Maloney
Best Watchdog Piece: A Thoughtful Faith: Gina Colvin’s interview with Tim Kosnoff about the LDS church’s legal tactics to stonewall against clerical abuse.
Best Discussion of Activism:
Best Activist/Activist Movement Within Mormonism
Promote Safety for Missionaries through sharing mission experiences
Best Discussion of Activism: Interview Lesley Butterfield on Mormon Happy Hour Podcast
Lesley Butterfield,, SLTrib Op Ed (Interview w/Lesley)
Best Activist/Activist Movement Within Mormonism
Best Activist/Activist Movement Within Mormonism
Lesley Butterfield
Best Discussion of Activism
Lesley Butterfield Interview on Mormon Happy Hour RE: Joseph Bishop and sexual abuse within Mormonism
Lesley Butterfield Interview on Mormon Happy Hour RE: and her SLTrib OpEd RE: LDS Patriarchy and Abuse
Best Theological Discussion: God as an answer to Fermi’s Paradox by Ross Richey at Sunstone in Salt Lake City.
Best Comic or Image: Twain vs. McMurrin vs. Hubbard by 4blockhead
Best Discussion on Gender: Transgender Dilemma: At what point do my breasts determine my level membership in the church? reported by Courtney Tanner, Salt Lake Tribune
Best Activism: Bill Reel’s debriefing after being excommunicated for exposing the church not being able to address his doctrinal questions. reported by Chris Caldwell in the St. George Spectrum
Best From the Pulpit Sermon/Speech: Own Your Religion by Gregory Prince, a keynote speech at Sunstone 2018
Best From the Pulpit Sermon: Gaining and Strengthening a Testimony by BYU-Idaho University president, Henry J. Eyring
Best Song: Rocks by Angela Soffe
Best Discussion on Gender or Orientation:
No Man Knows My Herstory: Discovering our queer selves
Best new podcast: Wardless Podcast
I think there were some missed nominations from the previous post in the comments. Several pieces in Sisters Quorum were nominated and not listed above. Can you check??