Congrats to the following winners and to all who participated!!
Year-long awards for people and groups:
Brodies 2017: Best New Blog/Channel/Podcast: Radio Free Mormon
Brodies 2017: Best Humor/Satire Blog/Channel/Podcast: Brother Jake
Brodies 2017: Best Mormon History Blog/Channel/Podcast: Naked Mormonism
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Church-Info Site: MormonLeaks
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-interest Discussion Forum: r/exmormon
Brodies 2017: Best Exmormon Reddit Contributor:u/missedinsunday
Awards for Individual Works:
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Interest Book (Fiction): The Book of Laman, by Mette Ivie Harrison
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Interest Book (non-fiction): Michael Quinn’s Mormon Hierarchy: wealth and corporate power
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Interest Song: Tapirback Rider, by Weird Alma
Brodies 2017: Best Poem: The War Goes On, by Clarence Tong
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Interest Comic or Image: Mormon Merit Badges
Brodies 2017: Best Post Title: Blue balls, flaming swords and the language of coercion, by Thinker of Thoughts
Brodies 2017: Funniest Humor Piece: a tie between Evil Apostate Series, by Thoughts on Things and Stuff, and God Steps Down Amid Sexual Assault Allegations, by Tanner Gilliland
Brodies 2017: Funniest Parody: Straight Outta Cumorah, by Weird Alma
Brodies 2017: Best Metaphor/Analogy/Allegory: A Den of Thieves: The LDS LGBTQ+ Story as Currency, by Nathan K.
Brodies 2017: Best From the Pulpit Sermon: Savannah’s Testimony
Brodies 2017: Most Poignant Personal Story: Mike Norton on Mormon Stories
Brodies 2017: Best Exit Story: an email to her bishop rejects any and all callings because representing the church in any capacity would compromise her integrity, by Reddit user PlanitL
Brodies 2017: Best Life Journey Piece: a tie between A Sunday in the life of a closeted exmormon, by Reddit user my_name_is_NO, and Stepping Out of the Big Tent: The Possibility of Leaving Mormonism, by Lynette
Brodies 2017: Best Activist/Activtist Movement Within Mormonism: Protect the Children Petition by Sam Young
Brodies 2017: Best Leak or Personal Recording: Savannah’s Testimony originally released by NewNameNoah
Brodies 2017: Best LDS Church Watch Piece: Eclipsing the Truth, by Alex
Brodies 2017: Best Response to Apologetics: Response to 3Mormons on Race in Mormonism, by Thoughts on Things and Stuff
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Culture Piece: 178 & 179: The Truths About Marital Intimacy: A Critique of Wendy Nelson’s Sex Talk: Helfer-Parker and de Azevedo-Hanks
Brodies 2017: Best History Piece: Undeniable proof that the Journal of Discourses (JoD) was/is an official church publication, by Gileriodekel
Brodies 2017: Best Scripture Study Piece: Ether 15: The End of the World As We Know It, by Alex
Brodies 2017: Best Discussion on Parenting: Taking Back My Power, by Dad’s Primal Scream
Brodies 2017: Best Discussion on Orientation: White Shirt, Black Name Tag, Big Secret, by Ellis Jeter
Brodies 2017: Best Discussion on Gender: Cheating LDS Young Women – Again, by Gina Colvin
Brodies 2017: Best Discussion on Race: Response to 3 Mormons on Race, by Thoughts on Things and Stuff
Brodies 2017: Most Insightful Commentary on the CoJCoL-dS: Face2Face series, by Thinker of Thoughts
Brodies 2017: Best Philosophical/Theological Discussion: Undue influence in general conference: obedience, by Luna Lindsey and Jonathan Streeter
Brodies 2017: Best short media presentation: Revelation Through Hallucination, by Bryce Blankenagel and Cody Noconi at the Sunstone Symposium
Brodies 2017: Best Podcast Episode: Year of Polygamy, Episode 139, Dispelling the idea that Joseph Smith fought polygamy, by Lindsay Hansen Park with John Dinger, Bryan Buchanan, and John Hatch
Brodies 2017: Best Book Review: 6 Must-Read Books for Ex-Mormons, by Samantha Shelley
To all of the winners, here’s your winner graphic that you can display on your website:
What fun that was! Thanks to all who nominated and voted — I’ve found some great new sites to follow in my own reading!
To see the poll results and links to all of the nominees, look here.
Congrats to all the winners! This turned out to be an exciting awards season.
chanson, thanks a lot for the article post.Much thanks again. Fantastic.
chanson,thanks so much for the post.Much thanks again. Really Cool.
Good job everyone! If I have to see the beehive bugle get beat to a pulp, I’m glad to at least see it happen on merit.
Thanks everyone!! This has been a fun activity, and I’m glad to hear that people enjoyed it!
I am hoping to get back on track with doing SiOB regularly again soon. Thanks for everyone’s patience!