We are unfortunately experiencing some server issues. Our server provider is doing some sort of critical maintenance that is supposed to not interrupt service too much, but… Well, thanks for your patience…
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Domain name warning
Some of you may have noticed that this blog’s old domain name “latterdaymainstreet.com” isn’t working. I changed the primary domain name for this blog to “mainstreetplaza.com” last year and configured the “latterdaymainstreet.com” domain name to redirect to “mainstreetplaza.com”. Now it appears that the ownership of “latterdaymainstreet.com” lapsed and some unknown…
Blog Updates
You may have noticed that we’ve brought back our old masthead and switched to a new theme. We’d like to update the sidebar links as well — Do you have any ideas of links we should add?
New features and an invitation to guest-post!
Since Main Street Plaza is growing, we’re thinking of adding some new features — maybe even a fourth column! But since this is a community blog, that’s where you come in. What do you think of the features we’ve added to the sidebars? What else would you like to see?…