Is the CoJCoL-dS getting better at avoiding embarrassing itself? The closest thing to controversial this past week was when Pres. Uchtdorf compared JS’s seer stone to a smartphone (while wearing a very expensive watch). Then there was the tragic news that a woman died from heat exposure from an LDS Trek activity.
There were some interesting discussions, though. The DNA evidence showing the Josephine Lyons probably wasn’t Joseph Smith’s daughter has opened some new controversy about Joseph Smith marrying women who were concurrently married to other men. Also, Angela C. wrote a beautiful meditation on the decline of the CoJCoL-dS and Hawkgrrrl discussed a related article on disaffection from religion. Charles Fry has reframed his view of the gospel in terms of happiness rather than sin. The Mormon History Guy interviewed an actor who plays Elija Abel and the Debrief Society talked sex with Natasha Helfer Parker. The director of FreeBYU did an AMA.
In personal-and-political, Knotty discussed the fact that too much of the Father’s Day praise for good dads is framed in terms of shaming other dads. Dad’s Primal Scream wrote about friends. Dear Abby wrote a poem about the harm of socializing girls to always please. And the Adult Onset Atheist discussed atheism and death.
Sunstone has released a helpful FAQ on attending its symposia. The Book of Mormon, sadly, has some pretty serious plot holes.
In Mormon news, FLDS leader Lyle Jeffs is on the lam. In non-Mo-news, that Brexit thing actually happened, giving Utah parents a great new name choice for their babies!
Unfortunately, the Great Barrier Reef is dying, and LDS Earth Stewardship encourages Mormons to do something about climate change:
ack of provident living in the Western world and the resulting profligate consumption of resources—above all, fossil fuels—are at the foundation of climate change. Are we applying provident living principles in our daily lives as taught by our church leaders? How can we offer that doctrine to others without first giving heed ourselves? Why, for example, have we in large part ignored Doctrine and Covenants 89:12—13 counseling the eating of animal flesh in moderation? Beef production is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Can we reconsider our excessive use of beef? We as a church have much to offer, but are we ready and able to make a genuine contribution?
In personal stories, Kevin Barney recounted getting into a physical fight with his missionary companion, and Dani Addante described her decision to keep her last name.
I guess that’s it for this week. I just hope the CoJCoL-dS gives us something interesting to talk about for next week! (Famous last words…)
Thanks as always!
My pleasure! 😀