Ladies, do you remember these lovely object lessons? Black folks, does this account sound familiar? (Books like this one may be conveniently forgotten about, but good luck ever seeing a repudiation and apology…). And if you’re intersex? Then where do you fit into the plan? Hell, kids in general get a bit of a raw deal. Can you be surprised if post-Mormons are doing a bit of processing?
In Mormon studies, we got some tips on how not to talk to Mormons (if you want a straight answer). Alex provided some interesting analysis of the Articles of Faith, and Mithryn provided a fascinating look at how early Mormonism is like the universe of Harry Potter!!
Of course mo and fo-mo bloggers also like to post about life issues, triumphs, delicious cakes, etc., that are — at most — tangentially Mormon-related! The Girl Who is having thoughts, Daniel is enjoying success in fonts and spelling, whereas Kuri excels in vocabulary. Aerin doesn’t want the stress of birthday parties. Dan Pearce has a sort of micro-loan program for people who are belly-up broke. Roger Hansen was hanging out with prisoners in Uganda while Lynette compared missions and mental hospitals.
Crazily enough, those last two are related to what I was doing this past week!!! You may have heard (if you read this blog or my personal blog) that the post-Mormons of Switzerland (including me) went on a pilgrimage to London to see The Book of Mormon this past Wednesday. It was fantastic!! Read my account here. If I may go into testimony mode for a minute, I am just so grateful to the member of our group who had the idea to do this trip and organized the whole thing! Thanks, J!!
I hope the rest of you had a great week too!!
I would like to thank World Pulse for the service they provide, overcoming the damage done to women. In virtually every culture in the world they are connecting and educating women to the power they command working together.
Allow me to add my poor voice to this cause. My book, a mystery/suspense fiction, took ten years to write. Many reviewers have called it the equivalent of the Di Vinci Code only it is a mystery/suspense about the Mormon culture rather than Catholic.
Please do not be afraid of the book because it is a fiction. Stephen King said, “ln fiction we expose the truth behind the lie.” My story, The Complete Mystery of Matthew Alcott: Heritage of Secrets, shows male values and behavior like they have never been exposed before. Non-Mormon’s find the values underlying the culture of Mormonism difficult to swallow. Ex-Mormons are raving about the story.
A Salt Lake City journalist warned me that my life could be in danger. She said the hierarchy of Mormonism does not want this book on the market and while their policy takes no action on matters of this nature there are radical elements that act outside of church authority.
I am a man, Yes, but I am well educated and know the cultures of religion hold enormous financial power and political clout. Why? Because they are cultures of, for, and by men.
Please help me spread the word. Church daughters are being conditioned by the millions to lives of abject slavery every day all over the world by this world wide corporation.
If you buy my book, kindle or nook it, you will be helping me in my work and you will experience an entertaining story that one reviewer said is, ” . . . an incredibly powerful, gripping novel.”
World Pulse; thank you for the great work you do.
@1 Hi Michael — your book is quite good; I’m almost done with it and I’ll be reviewing it soon. I’ve been pretty slow with reviews in 2013, but I’m trying to pick up the pace since I have two in line behind yours to finish before Brodies’ season.