Did anyone else catch this gem from the Utah State Legislature: Utah Delivers Vote of No Confidence to ‘Climate Alarmists’. Basically the Utah State Legislature passed a bill saying that global warming was a conspiracy and demanded that the Environmental Protection Agency stop regulating greenhouse gases. Sadly, I can’t say…
Remember when you were upset last fall when one poll after another revealed that a substantial number of liberals applied a religious test to Mitt Romney? I tried to explain to you that people felt threatened by our involvement in racist and sexist discrimination. We resisted racial equality for 24…
While many are wondering whether Obama has given Romney a “gift” by alienating some of the Democratic base (namely, conservative religious people of color), this opinion article at the Huffington Post is pretty convincing to me that the whole thing was a grand chessmaster move by the Obama campaign. They’ve…
“Please church, tell me what to do so I don’t have to make decisions for myself and so that your sheep will like my policies and re-elect me.”
If you’ve ever wondered what theocracy looks like in practice, Part 2: