I have done all that I can to ensure that my kids will never have to choose between having a relationship with their father and his partner whom they both love, and being involved in the church that their mother loves. Now, because my boys live with me part time,…
Category: Family
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Love Wins edition!
Probably a lot of you had this experience the other day: I know I did. Yes, the SCOTUS has ruled that the United States of America has joined the list of countries where marriage equality is the law of the land. And there was much rejoicing!! Also on social media,…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Duggars edition!
The Josh Duggar incest/molestation scandal has been the big topic of discussion and analysis this past week. These guys aren’t Mormons, but the story has strong resonance for us because of their tradition’s familiar attitudes about sexuality, gender roles, and family: In the LDS church, there was a massive focus…
Atheists: Less Crime, Less Vengeance, Less Racism
Check out this article in the LA Times about Secular Family Values and how great they are. It’s a few months old, but worth reading and relevant to many conversations held here. The conclusion will reassure many MSP readers: Being a secular parent and something of an expert on secular…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: The Empire Keeps Striking Back Edition!
Another blogger has been threatened with excommunication! Kirk Van Allen criticized D&C 132 and was told by local leaders to delete or modify the post, or else! (Don’t miss FAIR’s 31-page rebuttal!) In addition to that story, Nearing Kolob has been doing some really interesting investigation into the changes in…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Sucked into the vortex edition!
Remember the fun we had last week with creative apologetics? Well, this week we learned that it’s only fun and games until someone actually tries to follow the footnotes and gets sucked into the vortex! It started on a fascinating note as Runtu provided an detailed and specific analysis of…
In other “complaining about stuff on the ‘Naccle” news…
We’ve been having a lively discussion of some quotes from The Crucible of Doubt, and on the same day that that came up in my reader, some other ‘Naccler managed to link to something even worse. Take a gander at this article. The author lists off a bunch of positive…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Losing control of the story edition!
If you’re a faithful Mormon, there are a lot of possible ways to rationalize the various sticky issues of the CoJCoL-dS. Take the problem of Joseph Smith “marrying” a bunch of teenagers and married women, and lying to his wife and everyone else about it — it can be explained…
Knowing Emma and Joseph’s History: A Response to the Speculative Essay on Early Polygamy– Alison Udall
It was really enjoyable to work my way through this. This is the first response I’ve done with these new church essays since I had read enough to be able to notice things that I recognized were missing, or implications that were being made that felt incomplete or inaccurate. As…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Polygamapalooza Edition!
Wow!! The anonymous-yet-official mysterious oracle of the CoJC0L-dS has just officially admitted that Joseph Smith married multiple women, including teenagers and other men’s wives! And other interesting stuff about Mormon polygamy! This is big news because bringing up any of these fact (true and well-established as they are) has traditionally…