There have been a lot of news stories lately claiming it is the “Mormon Moment.” This claim is based on things like the Broadway play, The Book of Mormon, Glenn Beck’s rise (and fall), and the two candidates for the Republican nomination for President, Romney and Huntsman, getting lots of…
Author: profxm
hot sauce mom – convicted
FYI, Jessica Beagley, the LDS mother who, well, abused her adopted son, has been convicted of abusing her adopted son. Misdemeanor child abuse conviction. Sentencing hasn’t taken place yet.
prepare to be creeped out
The Salt Lake Tribune has posted some of the audio recordings of Warren Jeffs instructing women on how they are supposed to have sex with him. I’d say “enjoy” but, well, that just seems inappropriate.
“Sexual Purity” – What does that mean?
LDS, Inc. has a new multifaith video out talking about the benefits of “sexual purity.” If people want to not have sex, great. Don’t have sex. But what gets me about this video is that it frames sexuality as some sort of “impure” act. By associating “virginity” with “purity”, the…
Mormons do love them some porn
I was doing some site maintenance on the server and decided to check the stats for MSP while I was at it. I noticed something interesting and thought it might be worth mentioning here. Since May, this post I wrote last year has been either the top or second highest…
missionary mauled, but saved through god’s will
In case you didn’t see it, a Mormon missionary was mauled in Guatemala by a couple of lions. However, as you read the article, it makes it sound as though: (1) Paul Oakey wasn’t doing anything wrong when he was attacked by the lions and (2) he was saved through…
MSP contributes to a BusinessWeek article
I issued a call for volunteers to speak with a reporter a while back about a story she was working on. Several MSP readers and regulars stepped up and spoke with the reporter. The article is now complete and just went live on BusinessWeek’s website: God’s MBAs: Why Mormon Missions…
“Every Member a Missionary” is so pass
The Deseret News recently re-posted a story from the Mormon Times on members being missionaries that included 10 tips. Here is my translation of the 10 tips: “Be a friend” = Pretend to like people so they will think you’re nice and they will want to know “why” you are…
Oh how racism haunts Mormonism
You remember the whole Brandon Davies basketball debacle a few weeks ago? You know, the situation where a black BYU basketball player was suspended for having sex with his girlfriend? Yeah, so, it turns out someone did a little digging and found out that:Of the 70 athletes suspended from BYU…
We’ve got their attention!
LDS, Inc. is hemorrhaging members, particularly young people, and they are trying to adjust their organizational structure to stem the tide. The recent change in ward structures in Salt Lake is a direct response to the mass exodus of young people out of LDS, Inc. When I saw the initial…