by Jerry Argetsinger I was born 9 months to the day after the bombing of Hiroshima. That puts me on the cutting edge of the Baby Boomer Generation. Of the many questions generated regarding immoral actions in the wake of WW2, some the most often asked relate to the rounding-up…
Author: Jerry Argetsinger
Jerry was a professor of Cultural & Creative Studies, Rochester Institute of Technology (retired). He has published extensively on Danish theater, stage magic, literature and LGBTQ topic particularly as they interface with Mormonism. He was lead editor of "Latter Gay Saints" (Brodie Award Best Short Ficition 2013). A director of Off Broadway, Outdoor Drama, University and Community Theatre, he directed the Hill Cumorah Pageant 1990-97. He is married to costume designer Gail who designed Cumorah Pageant costumes 1978-97. They have two grown boys.