It was a tight race this year!!
…just kidding, of course — Douglas Stilgoe (a.k.a. Nemo the Mormon) won by a landslide.
In addition to making entertaining content on his YouTube channel, Douglas has been a tireless advocate for positive change within the CoJCoL-dS. He even flew to Fairview, Texas to speak at their town council to discuss the proposed temple steeple that violated the town codes.
And as we all know, the reward for trying to improve the church from within is ** drumroll please ** excommunication!!
I don’t want to make light of it because — as you can see from his videos — Douglas was sad and hurt to have been kicked out of the community that he loves. He deserves our support and admiration, and that is why he earned this award for making the biggest splash of any X-Mormon in 2024.
Nemo the Mormon has also been nominated for multiple Brodie Awards. Note that at the time of this writing the Brodie Awards nominations are still open!! I will be creating the polls on Sunday, January 5, 2025. Anyone can nominate! So if you haven’t yet nominated your favorite works by your favorite artists, musicians, podcasters, etc., please do so in a comment on the nominations post. (Edit: vote here)