Yay, it’s time to vote!!! Thanks for all of the great nominations — we have got a great crop this year!! And I thought it was going to be a slow year! Thanks especially to all of those who indulged my last-minute request for poems!
Year-long awards for people and groups:
Brodies 2017: Best New Blog/Channel/Podcast
- Mormon Happy Hour
- missed in Sunday school, by Craig Stapley
- My Mormon Experience, by Ethan Dodge
- No Man Knows My Herstory
- My Story to Write
- Radio Free Mormon
- Brandon’s Travel Tips
Brodies 2017: Best Humor/Satire Blog/Channel/Podcast
Brodies 2017: Best Mormon History Blog/Channel/Podcast
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Church-Info Site
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-interest Discussion Forum
- Thoughtful Transitions FB group
- Millennial Mormonism FB group
- r/mormon
- r/exmormon
- r/MormonDoctrine
Brodies 2017: Best Exmormon Reddit Contributor
- u/invisibles_cubit
- u/relevantlife
- u/Chino_Blanco
- u/missedinsunday
- u/bwv549
Awards for Individual Works:
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Interest Book (Fiction)
- Through his Eyes and Lies, by C. L. Jackson
- The Book of Laman, by Mette Ivie Harrison
- Behind the Bishop’s Door, by Johnny Townsend
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Interest Book (non-fiction)
- Michael Quinn’s Mormon Hierarchy: wealth and corporate power
- Truth in Reason, by Nikolas Rex
- You’re Not Alone: Exit Journeys of Former Mormons, by Jessica Bradshaw
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Interest Song
- Tapirback Rider, by Weird Alma
- Mother where art thou, by Julie de Azevedo
- I Know Where I’ve Been, by Fantasia and Julie Maughan
Brodies 2017: Best Poem
- “My friend’s poem” (Anonymous)
- The War Goes On, by Clarence Tong
- Aftermath, by Leah Elliot
- Home No More, by /FaithfulTBM
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Interest Comic or Image
- perfect juxtaposition: Anything Presidential to confess, by Pat Bagley
- house of cards, by Reddit user 4blockhead
- Mormon Merit Badges
- Sister Jones and Six Men
- The Mormon Version of the Golden Calf
- Mormonism is anti-me, by Missed In Sunday
Brodies 2017: Best Post Title
- Out of the Frying Pan of a Closet and Into the Fire: Bobby Flay Made My Cousin Gay!*, by AlexisAR
- Rocky Mountain Low, by Jack Naneek
- How to Fix Your Sunday School Class Using These Three Easy Tricks, by Stephen Carter
- Blue balls, flaming swords and the language of coercion, by Thinker of Thoughts
Brodies 2017: Funniest Humor Piece
- Letter From Mormon Missionary Puts the Recent Push for More Transparency on Display, by Ryan McKnight
- Mormons name their kids the darnedest things: Born in 2016 edition, by Jessie Jensen
- Evil Apostate Series, by Thoughts on Things and Stuff
- God Steps Down Amid Sexual Assault Allegations, by Tanner Gilliland
Brodies 2017: Funniest Parody
- Infant General Conference – Oct 2017
- New Gospel Topics Essay, by Moss
- Straight Outta Cumorah, by Weird Alma
Brodies 2017: Best Metaphor/Analogy/Allegory
- Parable of the Prodigal Daughter, by Chiaroscuro
- Mormon McDonald’s: An Allegory, by Gina Colvin
- The Church used my body as currency, Reddit user sarahprat
- A Den of Thieves: The LDS LGBTQ+ Story as Currency, by Nathan K.
- “It’s the only way”, by Thinker of thoughts
Brodies 2017: Best From the Pulpit Sermon
- Savannah’s Testimony
- Three Sisters, by Dieter Uchtdorf
- Act of Confession, by Reverend Jerrod Lowry (in unison with the assembled pastorate) at the Utah Pride Interfaith Service in Salt Lake City on June 1
Brodies 2017: Most Poignant Personal Story
- The Mexican Kids in the Trash Pile, by Dan Pearce
- “Cabaret” and a Confused Teenage Boy, by Joseph Broom
- My Sorrow, by Brooke W
- Dear Elder Oaks, by Blaire Ostler
- Mike Norton
Brodies 2017: Best Exit Story
- an email to her bishop rejects any and all callings because representing the church in any capacity would compromise her integrity, by Reddit user PlanitL
- Breaking the Silence, by Royleane Otteson
- Moving On, by Bethany Jane
- The view from inside the bubble, by Heather B. Armstrong
- On Mormonism, authenticity, and spiritual epiphanies in Sin City, by the Narrator
Brodies 2017: Best Life Journey Piece
- A Sunday in the life of a closeted exmormon, by Reddit user my_name_is_NO
- Stepping Out of the Big Tent: The Possibility of Leaving Mormonism, by Lynette
- Inoculation and Echo Chambers, by Andrew S
- “You Lost Me”, by hawkgrrrl
- Leaving, by Tracy M.
- A quarter of a century ago, by Jana Remy
- I Will Not Go Back in the Closet, by Ben
- Pioneers, by Myrtlejoy
- What should an Active Mormon consider when encountering ex-Mormons or anti-Mormon sites/literature? by Dan Deceuster
Brodies 2017: Best Activist/Activtist Movement Within Mormonism
- Protect the Children Petition by Sam Young
- Ordain Women
- Free BYU
- Deb Diener of Children Matter FB Page (who compiled a huge list of instances of Child Sexual Abuse perpetrated by LDS members)
Brodies 2017: Best Leak or Personal Recording
- Anonymous via MormonLeaks GA pay information
- Anonymous via MormonLeaks PowerPoint “Enemies List”
- Savannah’s Testimony originally released by NewNameNoah
- Trevor Haugen recording with Don Clark (Q70) and Matt Growe (church historian), originally released on Mormon Stories Podcast
Brodies 2017: Best LDS Church Watch Piece
- Face2Face: About Prayer, by Thinker of Thoughts
- Fact vs. Fiction: Pioneer John Rowe Moyle and His Wooden Leg, by Mary Ann
- I Can’t Unsee It, by Leah Marie
- Did Joy D. Jones really just use the words “Mother in Heaven” in a General Conference session?, by Libby
- Eclipsing the Truth, by Alex
- Happy 12th Birthday! Now, Let Me Ask…. by Sam Young
Brodies 2017: Best Response to Apologetics
- They Can Leave the Church, But They Can’t Leave the Church Alone, by BrynneGant
- Debunking uniqueness of NHM on the Arabian peninsula, by Reddit user KenjaTime_
- Five Myths about Mormons and Money, by Mormonism 101
- Correlation Kettle Meet Snuffer Pot, by Mogget
- Problematic Apologetics: A Response to the “Lengthening Shadow” Interpreter Article, by Mary Ann
- The Boy Who Cried Religious Freedom, by Sam Brunson
- Response to 3Mormons on Race in Mormonism, by Thoughts on Things and Stuff
- Lamanite DNA, by The Mormon Informant
- Commentary: The gaslighting within Mormonism must stop, by Ryan McKnight and Ethan Dodge
- Zelph on the Shelf responds to the article “Alarming Truth Behind Anti Mormons”
Brodies 2017: Best LDS-Culture Piece
- The Ignorance of Defensive Mormons, by Donna Banta
- Caffeine and the Hedge around the Law, by Michael Austin
- Being esteemed as filthiness: What Not to Wear, by Rebecca J
- A Thought about Faith-promoting Stories, by Ziff
- Practical Apologetics: What’s Wrong With You? by Dave Banack
- The Mormon temple wedding photo game, by Mette Harrison
- I have a porn problem, by the Mighty Tapir
- Surviving Sacrament Meeting, by Terresa Wellborn
- Great Expectations, by Myrtlejoy
- 178 & 179: The Truths About Marital Intimacy: A Critique of Wendy Nelson’s Sex Talk: Helfer-Parker and de Azevedo-Hanks
Brodies 2017: Best History Piece
- How Jesus Christ Was Ousted As Head Of The Church of Jesus Christ, by Alan Rock Waterman
- Origin of the Baptism for the Dead Doctrine, by grindæl
- Coffee, by Kevin Barney
- Undeniable proof that the Journal of Discourses (JoD) was/is an official church publication, by Gileriodekel
- How ideas in the Book of Mormon parallel ideas from the nineteenth century, by Reddit user bwv549
- an Official LDS essay relies on an interesting historical article from 1831, by Reddit user anyonehaveanswers
Brodies 2017: Best Scripture Study Piece
- Ether 15: The End of the World As We Know It, by Alex
- The Isaiah Nephi Could Not Have Known: A Response to Dr. Kent Jackson, by Yakov Ben Tov
- The BoM and the Aeneid, by Kevin Barney
- The Day They Came, by Morgan Deane
- Grab that Rod of Iron! by Adult Onset Atheist
- Viewpoint on Mormonism: The Book of Galatians, by Mormonism Research Ministry, Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson
Brodies 2017: Best Discussion on Parenting
- Taking Back My Power, by Dad’s Primal Scream
- The F-Word that Really Harms Our Kids, by BrynneGant
- New Order Mormons, do you enforce that your children attend church, and only at the Brighamite ward?, by Reddit user 4blockhead
- Advice about sex for a college-bound girl, by Gabrielle Blair
Brodies 2017: Best Discussion on Orientation
- Forced to Look at Our Straight Privilege, by Natasha Helfer Parker
- White Shirt, Black Name Tag, Big Secret, by Ellis Jeter
- McMurrin Lecture: Science vs. Dogma, by Gregory Prince
Brodies 2017: Best Discussion on Gender
- The Inadvertent Objectification of Women in the Church, by Amber Haslam
- Who wants your old boys’ club, anyway? by Libby
- Cheating LDS Young Women – Again, by Gina Colvin
- Q&A: Why aren’t Mormon feminists thrilled with the new LDS temple baptistry policy? by April Young Bennett
- Modesty as a Matter of Life and Death, by Mormon Heretic
- If Gender is Essential, Why Are We Pushing It?, by hawkgrrrl
- John Dehlin and the women problem, by DearJohnDehlin
- I am not a Mother, by Petra
- Evangelical Notions About Women, by Andrew Hackman
Brodies 2017: Best Discussion on Race
- Response to 3 Mormons on Race
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Racism, by Sam Young
- Eliminating Any Lingering Disapproval Of Interracial Marriage, by Carolyn
- Facing our Racial History, by Jason L
- Racism in the Book of Mormon — Yep, it’s there, by Miguel Barker-Valdez
- The Excommunication of Ayla Stewart, by Adult Onset Atheist
- We’re Losing Our Racial Purity!, by AlexisAR
Brodies 2017: Most Insightful Commentary on the CoJCoL-dS
- Face2Face series, by Thinker of Thoughts
- A Post-Mormon Documents some Recent Positive Changes in Mormonism, by William Kempton
- Responsible FAP, by Adult Onset Atheist
- What Does the CoJCoL-dS Offer? by chanson
- It is a Festivus for the rest of us… by David Johnson
- Credit, Blame, and the Influence of the Church, by Lynette
- Mormonism reflects on the aftermath, by Thinker of thoughts
Brodies 2017: Best Philosophical/Theological Discussion
- Fasting for God… by Knotty
- God Didn’t Do This To Me. by Brooke W
- The Theology of the Proclamation, by Thomas Montgomery
- What’s a Prophet For, Anyway?, by Samantha Shelley
- What we know about Heavenly Mother, by Dani Addante
- the LDS Doctrine of families being “together forever.” by Cinepro
- Undue influence in general conference: obedience by Luna Lindsey and Jonathan Streeter
Brodies 2017: Best short media presentation
- Bryce Blankenagel and Cody Noconi, Sunstone Symposium, Revelation Through Hallucination
- MormonLeaks – Transparency and Ethics in the 21st Century, by Ryan McKnight
- Donovan Feist’s remarks at the resignation rally in Salt Lake City in November, by Donovan Feist
- commentary on BBC’s 2012 interview with apostle Jeffrey Holland, by Reddit user bomonomo, blogger “Thinker of Thoughts”
- Reading Greg Trimble: You Should Not Leave Mormonism For Any Of These 5 Reasons, by Zelph on the Shelf
- Way of the Mister: Steel Swords and Burning Bosoms, by Brian Dalton
- Henry Eyring – Masterclass in Emotional Manipulation
Brodies 2017: Best Podcast Episode
- The Backdrop and Context of The Family A Proclamation to the World
- Steve Shields, by Project Zion Podcast, Josh Mangelson interviewer
- Year of Polygamy, Episode 139, Dispelling the idea that Joseph Smith fought polygamy, by Lindsay Hansen Park with John Dinger, Bryan Buchanan, and John Hatch
- Who is Denver Snuffer?, by Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson, Mormonism Research Ministry
- at the Salt Lake City Public Library, Peggy Fletcher Stack reflects on 26 Years on the Faith BeatMormon Land, Jennifer Napier-Pearce interviewer
Brodies 2017: Best Book Review
- Knotty’s review of “The Gate and The Garden: The Apostate Journals of a Gay Mormon Missionary in Japan”
- Inside the mind of the Book of Mormon’s first antagonist, by David Evans
- Alliegator’s review of “That We May Be One: A Gay Mormon’s Perspective on Faith & Family”
- A Truth Universally Acknowledged: Two LDS Romance Reviews, by Donna Banta
- 6 Must-Read Books for Ex-Mormons, by Samantha Shelley
- Introducing Singing and Dancing to the Book of Mormon: Critical Essays on the Broadway Musical, by Jerry Argetsinger
- Nancy Hales review of the Garden of Enid
The polls will remain open for approximately two weeks. The polls will close on Saturday, February 17th, 2018, at 10a.m. (Switzerland time)
Hey there!
I just posted the link to this brodielicious ballot box over at r/mormon…
And a helpful commenter noticed that this category isn’t displaying correctly:
Brodies 2017: Best Exmormon Reddit Contributor
Just a heads up! And looking forward to someone posting a link to this voting thread over at r/exmormon, hint, hint
Thanks for the heads-up! I am so sorry about the error — it’s fixed now.